Rain Rose
by on September 29, 2018
I wish you could have seen yourself through my eyes.
I would have shown you
how beautiful you were,
how compassionate you were,
how motivated you were,
how driven and brilliant,
and strong you were.
If I could,
I would have let you seen for yourself, how optic nerves tingle and delight in the very sight of someone as spectacular and special as you.
I wish I could have absorbed your pain.
I would have been a sponge,
something you could have relied upon to help clean up your messes,
something you could have used to wipe a slate clean.
If I could,
I would have let your hurt enter my pores where it would have been wrung out and returned to you as love.
I wish I could have given you your value in gold.
I would have raided castles and robbed banks, sifted mines and stolen jewels, and I would have left no pocket unturned.
I would have done this if I could have, but I couldn’t.
You are worth more than the sum of all parts I could have collected.
You are worthy of everything.
You are as priceless as you are precious,
as brave as you are breathtaking,
and there will never, ever be another you.
A Fight with Death: The Irony that Kills
| Stoned Word©️| IG @lovefreedom |
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