by on September 9, 2014
Many of us rally at the cry ‘One Love’ but have you reckoned beyond that to wonder about the magic behind the movement. Long past just a place for companionship and validation, the very origin date of the 420Nurses is enough to give Dr. Watson a clue. But a clue is not the whole story.

Let’s look at the clues and all who read this are welcome to research every theme topic mentioned.

Origin date and location: October 31, 2009, Hollywood, CA. Halloween is the most magical 24 hours of the year and Hollywood is ground zero for the style of magic portrayed to the world for the senses/emotions.

One Love: At first glance, this philosophy feels pagan and the companionship seems suited just for femininity until you think it through outside the ‘one God’ framework we are all raised in. Long before I realized the last paragraph in Memoirs of Mr. Pete, Amazon, predicted my participation in the 420Nurses, the sincerity of the group spoke to me through the photogenic artistry of female sexually and innovative decor. All of this is fueled by the essence of The Rastafari movement, an Ethiopian-Hebrew spirituality that arose in the 1930s in the Americas and became popular in Jamaica. The One Love mantra expressed by the 420Nurses centers on the inclusion of love through and of the plant cannabis devoid of any structure beyond the minimum needed for group cohesion or business planning.

One Goal: The stated aim of the 420Nurses is legalization of cannabis and the removal of the stigma attached to its use through modeling, lifestyle, and networking.

One Wizard: This position seems to be one of the rare male positions in the 420Nurses beside tech assistance or boyfriend. As the title suggests, this role is filled whenever the need arises. The current need is the legalization through the CCHI-Jack Herer initiative. My role as the wizard/cultural minister is patterned after the Black Panther model set forth sans the weaponry. Knowledge is our power.

In today’s news, we see war, bigotry, pestilence, and Mother Nature sometimes out of control. On top of that, today’s world offers little hope in a bright tomorrow, except through technology. But technology brought us GMOs, clones, militarized police, cancer, and enlightenment through the gathering of information in an electronic ‘tree of knowledge’. It is from this tree that I, PT420, your friendly neighborhood wizard bring forth information that is meant for us, and us only.

Wizards bring forth knowledge. In writing Memoirs, twice I have been visited by historical but fabled beings, The Three Fates*, also called The Three Norms. Insight from them is what led to publishing my work, the day chosen to officially release it, and the discernment of the Bible verses used from Daniel and Matthew in Chapter 20. This insight from The Fates isn’t static, and the latest bit of knowledge is the existence of ‘a third way’ or a reality other from what we have been taught.

A man named Thomas the Rhymer* once lived in Scotland during the 1200s in a village. As a young man, he was a dreamer and a bard. People knew him in his village. One day out on the edge of the forest, a woman from Faerie* appeared. He sang to her and presently she took him ‘away’ for seven years. He did come back after the 7 years and when he came back, his renown grew and for a while he rivaled Merlin in predictions [about Scotland]. In his 78th year the same woman then sent two animals to fetch him. The three, dreamer and an animal on each side, then walked the length of the village only to disappear without a trace after a brief illumination in the dark forest.

So what does that have to do with us? Before the Woman from Faerie took Thomas the first time, she showed him 3 things: the path to perdition [hell]; the rocky, brier filled climb [to righteousness]; and a third path, a path for those who ‘are singers and lovers of beauty’. In the last chapter of Memoirs, Chapter 20, available on in the blog section, the discernment is put forth that the 5 wise virgins in Matthew 25:1-13; are ones in league with cannabis/anointing oil. These wise virgins are going to, not coming from, the wedding feast. Though not specifically stated, this wedding feast seems to be the preferred place in terms of eschatology. As the wise virgins have been picked up/admitted inside the wedding feast, they are not involved with any doings going on outside the house while the wedding and feast are happening.

If this is sounding like some rapture theory in a way it is. Though I personally don’t see the Christians [most] around me as particularly righteous, I have personally been on both sides of the rapture ‘yes’/’no’ not ‘when’ question. Like many things in the Bible, as I see it, an argument can be made either way. Like Thomas the Rhymer however, a historical event has been found outside the Bible as proof things inside the Bible can/did happen. Religion like science, tends to hog the spotlight exclusively, rather than inclusively.

As Thomas inspired the fiction story Rip Van Winkle so the Legend of The Pied Piper is also based on a true historical event. With the Biblical event of Sodom and Gomorrah leveled against a whole population as a precedent, the actual town of Hamelin, Germany ‘lost’ 130 children. Reportedly, there is a long-established law forbidding singing and music in one particular street of Hamelin, out of respect for the victims on the Bungelosenstrasse adjacent to the Pied Piper's House.

During public parades which include music, including wedding processions, the band will stop playing upon reaching this street and resume upon reaching the other side. The Pied Piper’s House carries the name not because the Piper lived here, but because of an inscription on the side. This eyewitness account tells when, how many, and where the Hamelin Children were underway on the 26th of June, anno 1284.

“In the year of 1284, on the day of Saints John and Paul
on June 26
By a piper, clothed in many kinds of colours,
130 children born in Hamelin were seduced,
and lost at the place of execution near the koppen.”

Koppen comes from High German and means a knoll or domed hill, both faerie haunts that are listed in history. Three children were left as witnesses; one who was lame, one who was deaf, and one who was blind. Notice, they could all speak.

As I look around at the world today, I see only one group of wise ‘virgins’ or maidens, and that, of course, is the 420Nurses. Though I don’t read them all, every blog I have read is honest, sincere, and has the heartfelt piety of a lone traveler having come upon other travelers of the same ilk going along the same path of the same journey. Invisibly we all have the same wristband that says ‘One Love’.

I wasn’t sent to the 420Nurses as a smoker or as a model (lol) but I was carrying something for them and them something for me. Now that our paths have crossed and united, the mission is clear – bring about the CCHI as the vehicle for cannabis legalization in the State of California. Like a mystical link, I connect from Jack Herer, our prophet, who I met twice, the magical spot that inspired Jack to write The Emperor Wears No Clothes in Laguna Beach, and the 420Nurses, his chosen by degree of Divine Intervention, with the aforementioned magical birthday.

In this non-religious pot model art movement, we hope for a growing number of advocates, all from where the larger group of unique ethereal beauty is found as a common denominator here. We need those fostered by the love for Mary Jane, a model for the female mystical Spirit through compassion and sensuality, to lead in the fight for cannabis legality as a way for the group to be noted worthy of entering Faerie, via the third way. As a male, I am part of the household, part of the band, here for strategy as a free radical; a cultural minister like the lamp holder in Led Zeppelin.

At the end of this month, an event is to be held at 420Nurses HQ. The opening is set for noon with the party sesh to begin at 7PM that evening. Aside from a desire to write, cover news, or polish your communication skills through assignments for the NEWS, anyone interested in helping out with the coming legalization CCHI efforts just needs to stop by and say ‘Hi’ during the time inbetween. There will be no formal meetings, committees, or such. Your willingness to do your part for legal weed through CCHI promotion is enough. We are an army of 420Nurses. One Love.

(*- areas for personal research)
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