by on March 25, 2014
Hello back again.
Here is the rundown of time spent and what to expect from each call done as per my last blog here.

Right down the list:

1. 19 seconds

2. 32 seconds and had to give name and zip code

3. Dropped call 1st time. 28 seconds had to give name and town

4. 35 seconds and town name

5. 17 seconds

6. 18 seconds and town name

7. 39 seconds, name and town plus a little conversation since Senator is co-sponsor

8. 42 seconds, name and town plus a little conversation

9. 39 seconds, name and town plus a little conversation

My opening line is "I am calling in support of State Bill SB 1381 to label GMOs."

Now that's a way of 'protest' in the 21st Century. late
Post in: Health, Politics, News
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