by on September 27, 2013
The second conclusion is that Jack Herer was absolutely correct when he exclaimed that this prohibition fight is about the whole plant. I'm convinced that the cannabis plant, male and female, was given to man by the being(s) we collectively call (the) God(s). That would put Mary Jane in the company of music and fire; two other things that were bestowed onto Man, not discovered or invented by Man. Fire and music are still two of the closest companions to Mary Jane, besides her human buds of course.

Fire has been corrupted through war and unleashed by an unbalanced environment. Music has been co-opted by commercialism and even 'hate' has its own genre. Only cannabis in the male and female form remains pure but the female plant/spirit is being hotly pursued by Big Bio-tech, Big Pharma, and defamed from the deception of the mightiest last empire prophesied in Christian history. Think Nixon, Terminator technology, and the dark side of Star Wars; that sums up the present day situation for Mary Jane Green and her strong silent brother, Hemp Green. Meanwhile most people are scratching their heads as to why the government doesn't accept the reality of pot and just tax it. It's really not that simple, Sports Fans. The anointed facts speak otherwise.

The serpent's first and foremost desire was to separate all of mankind from the trees of life and knowledge, and the serpent's seed now is about the same task. Both with Adam and Eve and now us as redemptive hopefuls on this side of the New Testament, each time the separation of us from the trees is done though deceit. The first time the woman was the dupe and this time it is the man's turn. The question of why do this to man is answered when you understand what a partnership between man and an intelligently beneficial plant life form 'Adam & Eve' couple could mean.

'Imagine' the world John Lennon sang about, particularly the 'no religion' part. Proof of a terrestrial intelligence outside of God/humanity would suspend belief as we know it in the organized religions. The principle of the conventional hierarchy of authority over us is moot when each person/family has a direct and personal relationship with the earth through the plants via the THC receptors.

In return, you perform the tasks needed to tend the plants and the planet, like an ant engineer. Your co-pilot, your other half, is the one who arranges the weather around you as your help-mate. Long hauls, the wind will carry you; short hauls, the animals are your friends for rides. In everything you are connected and a part of the whole. An imagined world? Don't be too sure, for there are many tales of people being carried off by the wind. Real or imagined, the one cross-over from there to here, like the aforementioned Thor's Day, is Mary Jane. And that is the next puzzle piece.

More than a stoned word association in Daniel 2, cannabis oil was used in the Old and New Testaments for anointing ceremonies. The word meaning of the name 'Christ' means 'The Anointed One' but the lower case word 'christ' means 'anointed with oil', hence the term 'christening'. Though no orthodox thinking person will ever admit or see it, the part of stoner life as I know it fits perfectly with what I read in the Bible about Jesus, and even about his 'rents.

His parents losing him for three days, his walking away from the (uncool) stressful crowds to be alone (to burn) so much, his 'hippie' message of 'peace not war', and the tribe-like commune that the disciples traveled with their womenfolk in; all work within the framework of people who are hip to weed. The term 'cannabis culture' isn't a misnomer. It is a mentally different mindset akin to the biblical use of the word 'between' mentioned earlier.

The archaeological find of 2700 year old marijuana which resembled weed from Humboldt County so much that the scientists rolled and smoked some of it for potency, shows recreational/ therapeutic/ritual use of cannabis was far beyond the industrialized idea society tells us about. When you connect the fact that hemp was widely used in every ancient culture of old, you see that common knowledge of the plant's usefulness was once the norm. Prohibition of this instrument used for holy anointment amounts to being 'Anti-Christian'. Thus the world, which in 1961 signed a [UN] treaty making cannabis an illegal 'plant', follows the Anti-Christ, which is the system that outlawed the plant in 1937; even the literal Greek words translate 'anti' as - in place of, and 'christ' - anointing. The answer to the riddle of 'why now' is this.

In the last few years it has been discovered that there are receptors in the brain which are made to receive THC, an active ingredient in cannabis. No one knows why or how this operates, much less the intended purpose for the connection, but Monsanto is working on the connection between the two as a way to introduce GMO THC, which will be more addictive than nicotine, to the brain of pot users gaining control forever over this final 'fringe element'.

As I write this, legalization is sought through George Soros' fully funded Drug Policy Alliance/Ethan Nadelmann. A look at the DPA website, will show you how 'legit' this effort is. These are the people who have now stopped [at press time] 37 bills to label GMOs. A GMO salmon, dubbed 'Frankenfish' is scheduled to be OK'd with a FDA walk-thru after Bo's second term starts. Thanks Dan Quayle.

The website also reveals just how in-bed the marketed 'mainstream marijuana user' is with the DPA. They have big names because those big names don't have time to background check. Why control over marijuana is currently relevant is simple when you stop to think about it. Soros' Monsanto connection is also simple to fact check. Here's how a 'Christian' Dr. Michio Kaku might put it, I think.

With the Internet being recognized physically now as the 'tree of knowledge', we as a human species have reached the point that was originally intended for our first Adam and Eve, the point of having access to both the trees so at last we can move to the next level of planetary existence/ cultivation as talked of by the good Dr Kaku. Once we grow conscious and respond accordingly to the Mother and Father of the planet, the cannabis plant Adam and Eve, the knowledge will be there to see us through the dark times past pollution toward a healthy planet thanks to those ingrown receptors.

That is why the tree of life and the tree of knowledge were placed at the very center of the Garden. With the Internet for knowledge and the use of cannabis for life we can and will fulfill God's Plan. How do I know? Just as in the days of the early Christians who used the sign of a fish drawn in the dirt as a code to other Christians, so the number 420 or 'four and twenty' in Revelation is a code that shows people in the marijuana culture are in charge as future elders. - end part 15

A Word to the Nurses and the Fans here. Monday will conclude what I wrote in Chapter 20 to bring about the conclusion of Memoirs, but not the end for those MMJrs here. When I wrote and published Memoirs I had not met the 420Nurses. To cut to the chase this being Hollywood land, you could say that the 420Nurses and all the group represents will be Chapter 21, if ever a sequel is written. Be here Monday for Memoirs' final destination and the start of a 'For Your Eyes Only' lifestyle series. Meanwhile Nurses and Gentlemen, have a great weekend, puff tuff, and Thank You for being a reader and receiving my words. Be Blessed!!
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