by on May 22, 2013
BY: Patient Advocacy Network

URGENT – Take Action
Medical cannabis hearing in Sacramento this Friday

The California Assembly Appropriations Committee will hear AB 473 this
Friday, May 24, 2013. AB 473 requires that ALL participants in medical
cannabis collective activities come ‘out of the shadows,’ register with
Sacramento and pay a fee. This includes all of the cultivators, hash
makers, bakers, transporters and so on. With the recent Riverside
decision and all of the federal interference in California no one wants to
register under this hostile environment. If you don’t register, then you
get fined – up to $25,000.

Educate yourself! Read the bill here:

Read the fiscal analysis here:

Take Action! Contact the Assembly Appropriations Committee BEFORE Friday
morning. Any correspondence must begin with whether you OPPOSE or SUPPORT
the bill. There are 17 members of this
committee. It is recommended that letters are FAXED because most times
emails end up in junk boxes. You may also PHONE in your concerns. Patient
advocates will also be in Sacramento on Friday should you wish to speak
before the committee.

Sample letter below.


In Los Angeles The Fat Lady Ain’t Sung Yet

While the Limited Immunity Ban on dispensaries in Los Angeles won in last
night’s election, the battle is hardly over. Despite Measure D being a
voter initiative, it can still be challenged in court and overturned. LA
is in no way stuck with Measure D – as long as collectives take legal
action. Hundreds of collectives will be entitled to damages and many of
the bill’s provisions may be unconstitutional.

A Legal Symposium For Collectives Impacted By Measure D is being planned
now with a date to be announced shortly. Collective operators that would
like to be invited to this free symposium may contact PAN for details.


Degé Coutee
Executive & Program Director
Patient Advocacy Network

(323) 334-5282

PAN is a charitable 501(c)(3) organization




FAX - May 22, 2013

Dear Assembly Member and Appropriations Committee Chair Mike Gatto,

I’m the executive director of Patient Advocacy Network – and co-coordinator of Patients For Compassionate
Use Policies, and we have fought to put good local medical cannabis
regulations in place in many cities across the State. I write to oppose
AB 473. This proposal is flawed and already tested; Colorado attempted a
‘seed to sale’ registration program and it proved unenforceable and
unaffordable. Assembly Member Ammiano states he wants to model our
legislation after Colorado but Colorado is not the model. Audit: Serious
flaws in Colorado's regulation of medical marijuana –

In Los Angeles we suffered another DEA raid last week and federal
authorities have shuttered nearly 100 collectives in Metro LA since
September of last year – including collectives registered and in good
standing with the City of LA. Sheriffs throughout the state have begun
raiding collectives since the Riverside ruling was released. This is not
the atmosphere that will bring patient cultivators ‘out of the shadows.’
Collectives throughout California are moving underground quickly and AB
473 will only serve to further that seclusion.

The only way California will have a sensible medical cannabis program is
to stop the federal harassment. U.S. Attorney Melinda Haag threatening
every collective in the State while our legislature comes up with a scheme
to put patients on registration lists and charge fees and fines for a
self-funded enforcement board is incongruous. Patients would appreciate
it if California would consider how to protect us and not just how to
profit off of us.

California needs statewide medical cannabis guidelines to help
municipalities and our courts. Please look at the Steinberg-Leno
proposal, SB 439, and compare the approach of the two bills. I thank
you for your time and consideration.

Degé Coutee
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