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Female Lives in Sacramento, California, United States Born on January 7
by on May 14, 2017
I am so blessed to be a MaryJMaidenߎ A 420 nurse0ߌ I've always been a sunflower/wallflower but I've had a negative emotionsto myself. Bullying myself, I did not noticed myself doing this,pointed out,I searched too find. I found it and some more. I don't like this negative feeling. I am happy to change this. A life changing journey,a very long way. I am meeting new and wonderful people on the way. I have met amazing beautiful people already. I have let go of negative people, including members of ...
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by on March 3, 2017
All week my stomach has been hurting.Pain and sadness...When I don't smoke I feel horrible. I'm so happy that we have marijuana,without it I don't think I could fuction.I know that many others feel this way too,with other types of pain and problems.Dabs all day to take the pain away. Good vibes everyone! Take a dab and relax you deserve it. I'm going to take another dab. Smoking on some blueberry.
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by on February 27, 2017
Life is a blessing.2017 is going to be amazing!I'm excited for this year and I hope you are all tooߘI have lots of plans for my future.Babe and I have been doing a lot of planning and talking together.We know what we want.We are excited to grow/grab this together.I plan on buying the 420nurses starter kit,I'm not sure if I will get it soon but within a month or two.We need new clothing and more!Well I will cut it short but of course so many changes for the good. College to finish! We will take S...
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by on February 26, 2017
I'm getting into drawing. I did a little in high school aND I've enjoyed it. Painting in my future too. I'm getting some drawing paper and pens soon. Looking at what I want to draw. What do you like to draw? When dI'd you start?
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by on November 19, 2016
It's fantastic to work together in the same environment. Retail is great! Of course some flaws, but what job doesn't? Holidays are here so it's been crowded! People asking for sweet potato pies! Lmao! We love when it's busy!
65 views 1 like
by on November 19, 2016
A stoner for years. Meet my hubby in college. Together four years, five near☺ Partied together and ended up coming to live with me.. We lived with my mother for a while, apartment manager kicked us out... Homeless for two years. Definitely hard times,woods sleeping,couple places crashing. All in the end sucked. An experience we won't forget. It was hard but helped us grow. Living on our own apartment. Jobs are improving and positive prizes to come☺ Marijuana has been with us this whole time. We ...
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