by on May 14, 2017
I am so blessed to be a MaryJMaidenߎ A 420 nurse0ߌ I've always been a sunflower/wallflower but I've had a negative emotionsto myself. Bullying myself, I did not noticed myself doing this,pointed out,I searched too find. I found it and some more. I don't like this negative feeling. I am happy to change this. A life changing journey,a very long way. I am meeting new and wonderful people on the way. I have met amazing beautiful people already. I have let go of negative people, including members of my family. My career Choices are in need of work.. Always challenge yourself. I am questioning what I want to do. As well as where I am and can I improve,yes. Smile more۰ߘưߌܰߌ۰ߒ
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