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Female Lives in SFV, California, United States Born on March 29
by on August 25, 2018
#Hello it's Frank's littl turtle ߐ dove hereSo you know how when EVERYTHING starts to go #perfect ly like blessings on blessings on #blessings #°ߌThen one little, or big, thing starts #Fuckingyourshitup Ȱߌ #wirlwindWeeell this past week has been a whole #universalshift for Frank and I our #prayers are being answered both #yeses #"؝ and #nos #ߑAnd we're being blessed like never beforeThis past month and a half have been roughHonestly we've lived worse and felt even worse #ΰߒ but even so we've liv...
149 views 0 likes
by on November 17, 2015
Long story short, cannabis makes my quality of life bearable. Short story long, I suffer greatly with pain, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, insomnia and just getting through my days without thinking too many horrible thoughts. I suffer with pain going down the right side of my body in my hip, knee, ankle, neck, shoulder and back. Some pains, in my bones, I have had for as long as I can remember. Other pains, in my neck back and hip, are a result of childhood abuse and have worsened with...
112 views 1 like
by on November 12, 2015
Wow! Talk about busy times.. Starting a glass business, promoting my photography and loving my 3 beautiful boys keeps me so fuckin busy! I am working so hard to juggle these things and my personal life and all my issues lol Its not easy for me to stay positive all day when the waves keep pounding down on me. However I am fighting hard to change my ways daily and build a life worth living! I don't want to accept this life as my reality. I WILL CHANGE MY WORLD. Thanx for reading guys I hope i...
93 views 0 likes
by on November 12, 2015
I love my 420Nurses family <3 As I struggle with my social weirdness and anxieties I find relief that one thing I don't have to worry about is being judged for smoking weed. I lost all my high school friends to pot since drinking all the time is cool with some people but being a stoner isn't. I am working on being more involved and less afraid lol So I'm happy to come to the meetings to help myself help my awkwardness! They talk about stuff like this at the meetings Topics: How do I becom...
103 views 0 likes
by on October 26, 2015
My name is Photogoddess. I joined the 420Nurses this year in August and I'm so excited to further myself as a cannabis activist. I am a Prop215 patient and I love cannabis! Without it I am in pain and hungry but cannot eat, tired but cannot sleep. The lifestyle cannabis affords me through pain relief, appetite stimulation and so so so much more is priceless! It would be awesome if as a community we would come together to actually make it priceless to those who need it so badly but cannot have...
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