by on August 25, 2018
#Hello it's Frank's littl turtle ߐ dove here

So you know how when EVERYTHING starts to go #perfect ly like blessings on blessings on #blessings #°ߌ
Then one little, or big, thing starts #Fuckingyourshitup Ȱߌ #wirlwind

Weeell this past week has been a whole #universalshift for Frank and I our #prayers are being answered both #yeses #"؝ and #nos
And we're being blessed like never before

This past month and a half have been rough
Honestly we've lived worse and felt even worse #ΰߒ but even so we've lived blessed EVERY SINGLE DAY

All throughout our lives we've seen so many #miracles #little and #big
Now that we're doing better learning working harder living better #better choices and building an #empire with #familyfirst #1, we're seeing the #fruitsofourlabor.

Trust me I know ALL about #labor lol

Ok #insomnia had me weighing out I need to use more of my #C-B-D

#Ttyl #0ߏ0ߍ {home ߰ߍ}
Good night/morning haha it's #511am

Yawn ugh no sleeptonight for ߰ߎְߎmeeeee I'm up@7to a busy busy busy work day
No rest for the hungry İߘ
#Saturday #Insomnia #itsok #ouchithurts #fibromyalgia #uuugghh #420nurses #710 #smoke
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