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Laurie Canadian420

Female Lives in Sudbury, Canada Born on October 22
Laurie Canadian420
by on March 31, 2014
The question is no longer which disease cannabis can cure, but which disease can't it cure? A study published in Nature Reviews-Cancer provides an historic and detailed explanation about how THC and natural cannabinoids counteract cancer, but preserve normal cells. The study by Manuel Guzman of Madrid Spain found that cannabinoids, the active components of marijuana, inhibit tumor growth in laboratory animals. They do so by modulating key cell-signalling pathways, thereby inducing direct growth...
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by on March 27, 2014
A medical marijuana user near Florenceville says he's relieved a ban on being able to grow his own pot at home has been temporarily halted by a federal court decision. Terry Perkins, 63, says he suffers from chronic pain from a back injury and rheumatoid arthritis. Marijuana has helped him cope, but he says he wouldn't be able to afford his medicine under new rules slated to take effect on April 1, which required him to get supplied by a licensed grower. "Under this program that they brought ...
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by on March 3, 2014
http://news.420nurses.com/canada-group-others-seek-to-avoid-monsanto-gmo-pot/ In Canada, this heinous decision made with no input from any experts in the field, such as other med patients, co-ops, cannabis experts, or even smokers, is now being challenged by a group on Prince Edward Island. Thanks to 420Nurse Laurie Canadian 420 for the news tip. One Love. Also check out http://temeculacalendar.blogspot.ca/2014/03/canada-patients-say-no-to-monsanto-mail.html
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by on January 21, 2014
Strain Solution: ADD/ADHD Solution: G-13 Haze Barney’s head honcho Derry crossed the legendary G-13 male responsible for many of Amsterdam’s finest coffeeshop weeds with a favorite Hawaiian sativa to create the G-13 Haze, which promptly won Cup awards two years in a row. Spicy and sweet flavors as well as a stupendous, uplifting high make this sativa-dominant plant a real keeper. G-13 Haze grows short and stocky for a sativa, forming dense, highly crystallized buds that fill out into long, fir...
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by on January 9, 2014
With each passing month, the popularity – and controversy – of butane hash oil (BHO) and the phenomenon surrounding it (known as “dabbing”) continues to grow in the cannabis community. Some hail it as a miracle medicine, a quantum leap forward in stoner evolution. Others criticize it, pointing to the potential dangers involved in both making and ingesting it, as well as possible negative effects on the public’s increasingly favorable attitude toward marijuana. Solvent vs Nonsolvent Extraction ...
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by on January 6, 2014
Ok so a father asks his 10 yr old son if he knows about the birds and the bees. "I don't want to know" the child says, bursting into tears, "Promise me you won't tell me".... Confused the father asks what's wrong "OH, dad," the boy sobs. "When I was six, I got the "There's no Santa speech. At seven, I got the "There's no Easter Bunny speech. When I was eight, you hit me with the "There's no tooth fairy speech. If you're going to tell me that grownups don't really fuck, I'll have nothing left to...
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by on December 28, 2013
Mark Gobuty isn't raising cattle or cultivating corn on his farm north of Toronto — he's growing medical marijuana. His company, The Peace Naturals Project, is one of the first to be approved by Health Canada to commercially produce and distribute dried cannabis ahead of changes next spring to Ottawa's marijuana medical access program. Starting April 1, the program that began in 2001 will no longer require medicinal marijuana users to buy their medication through Ottawa's one approved supplier...
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by on December 25, 2013
Let me look! Not a lot of good! What have we got for openers Jan 1, 2014? A Slap in the Face from Health Canada for Starters We’ve got a Government determined to cash in on Marijuana profits at the expense of the patients who need it for Medical relief. The Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations have little or no relevancy or help for Doctors or Patients. The rules are laid down; both become casualties to greed and are dumped. 90% of the pages and regulations of the MMPR are concerned wi...
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by on December 11, 2013
I had made a blog earlier about Cpl Ron Francis Smoking medical marijuana in uniform and now he has been arrested in Fredericton on Friday after police used a stun gun on him. He remains in custody after appearing in provincial court on Saturday, CBC News has confirmed. RCMP were searching for him on Friday to conduct a "wellness check," due to concerns about his medical condition. When did RCMP start doing wllness checks? Wow this is unbelievable all because he publicly smoked medical I rep...
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by on December 10, 2013
Well, British Columbia, it looks like you’ll be hiding your joints for a while yet. In the foreseeable future, otherwise law-abiding citizens will be forced to huddle around basement bongs, away from the prying eyes of the police. Suburban moms and dads will continue lurking in the backyard around their portable vapourizers, having told their kids that they’re “just taking the dog for a walk.” Read more @ https://www.facebook.com/Canadian420nurses
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by on December 8, 2013
A Look Into Raw, Organic Cannabis Juicing People globally enjoy partaking in the pungent flowers of the Cannabis plant, seeking the euphoric psycho-activity unique to this plant, whether for pain relief, pleasure or pastime. Many people though are unaware of the amazing benefits of Raw, organic Cannabis Juice. In raw form, Cannabis leaves and the tri-chrome covered flowers are concentrated with non-psychoactive, anti-biotic, anti-fungal, anti-viral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immune-regul...
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by on December 6, 2013
Halifax man questions increase in prices charged by licensed distributors Tony Beare would like to know where Health Canada is getting its weed. And how come it’s getting its customers ripped off worse than a teenager buying their first gram. The medical marijuana user’s logic goes like this: If the black market price for a pound of illegally grown marijuana is about $2,000, then that works out to about $4.40 per gram. Health Canada recently sent Beare a letter saying he will have to buy his...
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by on December 6, 2013
These days some think a total repeal of Canada's drug laws is inevitable. We look at how the drug laws put in 90 years ago were based on panic and racism as opposed to science or medicine Searching for the scientific origins of Canada’s marijuana prohibition is a quick exercise. There was no science used to justify the laws instituted 90 years ago, just a mess of panic, racism and accident that has metastasized over time. Today we are in an unlikely position. American jurisdictions have begun t...
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by on December 4, 2013
This holiday season police are putting a new focus on driving while taking drugs, whether it is marijuana or muscle relaxants. Just how dangerous is it? Visit https://www.facebook.com/Canadian420nurses to listen to the debates on medicated driving. Comments are much appreciated
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by on November 30, 2013
The Canadian Medical Association is worried that as large medical marijuana grow facilities get federal licences, more patients will be glamouring for a drug many doctors are uncomfortable prescribing. Starting April 1, medical marijuana users in Canada will no longer be able to grow their own. Instead, they'll have to get pot from producers licensed by Health Canada. When the change was announced in June, Health Canada said the number of people authorized to use marijuana for medical reasons ...
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by on November 28, 2013
Cpl. Ronald Francis serves with J Division in New Brunswick, and received a prescription for medical-grade marijuana on Nov. 4. He turned to marijuana after trying anti-depressants and after this video was shot they took away his uniform and his position all because he uses medical marijuana for his PTSD. Do you think this is right? 20 Year service and this is what he gets so unfair. My heart goes out to Cpl. Ronald Francis. Love & Peace Watch Video and Read Story on https://www.facebook.com/C...
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by on November 27, 2013
TruthOnPot.com – The evidence is clear: Marijuana has an unique potential to fight cancer. And while patients anxiously wait for human trials to be conducted, researchers out of Spain are already working on better ways to administer the treatment. The problem with chemicals in marijuana like THC and C-B-D is the fact that they are highly insoluble in water. So far, this has mostly restricted patients to smoking or eating the plant, which makes it difficult to target tumor cells without affectin...
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by on November 21, 2013
Studies Support Medical Marijuana For Various Ailments The cannabis plant has been around for centuries. It is believed to have originated in Central Asia, but has expanded its reach to an international scale over time. People around the globe consume cannabis, and their reasoning is largely the same – it makes them feel better. In the eyes of most, a Coloradan who smokes cannabis recreationally to ease social anxiety is much different from an Israeli cancer patient. With that said, scientific ...
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by on November 21, 2013
Doctors in Saskatchewan will have to keep detailed records of all marijuana prescriptions, under new rules set by the province’s College of Physicians and Surgeons last week. In light of Health Canada’s shift to a commercial medical marijuana industry, the college is hoping to deter Saskatchewan doctors from profiting off of prescription writing, reports The StarPhoenix. College president Dr. Mark Chapelski elaborated at last week’s council meeting, explaining that the rules aim to prevent cer...
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by on November 16, 2013
At 16 months old, Gwenevere Repetski cannot walk or say “mama” and “dada.” Her father, Alexander Repetski, hopes that cannabidiol (C-B-D) – an ingredient in medical marijuana – will help Gwenevere recover from infantile spasms, a rare form of epilepsy that has delayed her development by at least six months. Read story on https://www.facebook.com/Canadian420nurses
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