Laurie Canadian420
by on November 21, 2013
Studies Support Medical Marijuana For Various Ailments
The cannabis plant has been around for centuries. It is believed to have originated in Central Asia, but has expanded its reach to an international scale over time. People around the globe consume cannabis, and their reasoning is largely the same – it makes them feel better.

In the eyes of most, a Coloradan who smokes cannabis recreationally to ease social anxiety is much different from an Israeli cancer patient. With that said, scientific research suggests that the same plant could be beneficial for each individual.

We know that cannabinoids, similar to those found in cannabis, are housed inside the body. In fact, cannabinoid receptors are present in humans before birth and the compounds themselves are found in breast milk. Medical marijuana gains merit when you consider our bodies are naturally tuned to interact with cannabinoids, and even more so when you acknowledge the growing evidence of benefits to cannabis consumption.

Read more The Therapeutic Benefits Of Cannabis, According To Science
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