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Laurie Canadian420

Female Lives in Sudbury, Canada Born on October 22
Laurie Canadian420
by on February 24, 2016
Big Day For Us CanadiansVANCOUVER—A Federal Court judge has ruled that medical marijuana patients have the right to grow their own cannabis.Judge Michael Phelan struck down federal legislation introduced by the previous Conservative government that barred patients from growing their own plants and required them to buy from licenced producers.He is suspending the decision to strike down the law for six months, allowing the federal Liberal government time to create a new medical marijuana regime.P...
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by on November 10, 2015
Many people suffer from social anxiety but it is often a subject that is pushed aside, as many are embarrassed to talk openly about it. Social Anxiety is also called social phobia which is an anxiety disorder in which a person has an excessive and unreasonable fear of social situations. Anxiety (intense nervousness) and self consciousness arise from a fear of being closely watched, judged and criticized by others. I am not the one to talk about my problems or myself but this is me I am one o...
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by on November 3, 2015
As Justin Trudeau’s Liberals prepare to tackle the politics of legalizing weed, one challenge they face is how to crack down on those who light-up before getting behind the wheel. Trudeau has not revealed exactly how he plans to fulfill his election promise and it’s not clear whether Parliament would limit how much someone could smoke before driving. But looking at how states like Colorado and Washington deal with drivers who have smoked marijuana could provide a blueprint. Back in February 17...
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by on April 17, 2015
To some 420 could mean alot of things such as: It's a police code. It's the number of active chemicals in marijuana. It's Adolph Hitler's birthday (what would this have to do with pot?). It's "teatime" in Holland. It's the numbers in Bob Dylan's song "Rainy Day Women, #12 & 35" multiplied. It refers to Highway 420 in Ontario, Canada, where weed grew freely in the '60s. It's the number between 419 and 421. But for me 420 means more than that, its a lifestyle, a day where us 420 people (fami...
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by on April 12, 2015
A group of federal researchers commissioned to prove the government’s claim that marijuana has “no medicinal value” may have unwittingly let some crucial research slip through the cracks, forcing the United States to admit that cannabis can kill cancer. Although, at first glimpse, the latest claim appears to be a cruel April Fools' prank from Nora D. Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), but after careful inspection, it seems that the federal government is actually su...
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by on April 11, 2015
VANCOUVER — Marc Emery's online magazine, Cannabis Culture, encourages marijuana use during pregnancy for relief of nausea, loss of appetite and to help get emotions under control. "Most studies say cannabis is perfectly safe during pregnancy, but it's controversial, of course," said Jodie Emery, Marc's wife, a well-known marijuana activist who failed in her attempt to run for the Liberal Party. In an online article, Dr. Kathy Galbraith, known as "Dr. Kate," writes: "Pot can be safely used durin...
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by on April 11, 2015
Canadians buying legal marijuana have a much slimmer selection than their American counterparts. That’s because Health Canada-licensed producers are allowed to sell only dried cannabis through the mail to registered patients and must stay away from “edibles” or other forms of the drug that are regulated south of the border. However, like medicinal and recreational pot sold in Washington State, Canada’s 17 licensed producers offer dozens of strains of dried leaves that help patients treat a rang...
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by on April 9, 2015
The 2011 Global Commission on Drug Policy's opening declaration -- "the global war on drugs has failed, with devastating consequences for individuals and societies ... fundamental reforms in national and global drug control policies are urgently needed" -- could hardly be more definitive. Front and centre is the continued prohibition of cannabis, arresting 57,429 Canadians for simple possession in 2012. On the afternoon of April 20, otherwise known as "4/20," recreational cannabis users from al...
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by on April 6, 2015
A "420 vapour lounge," where members can bring their own marijuana to smoke but not buy it, appears to be coming soon to downtown Guelph. The property at 51 Macdonell St., which was formerly DLR Clothing Guelph, is vacant. But a cardboard handmade sign is posted in the window advertising "DLR 420 Vapour Lounge, opening soon, daily 12:00-12:00." The "rules" are posted on another sign. It's a private lounge, paid membership is required, no tobacco products or tobacco vapour products are allowed, a...
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by on March 29, 2015
Medical marijuana users could help researchers define risks, benefits Besides pain management, pot is being used to treat things like Crohn’s disease, chronic seizures. The number of Canadians authorized to use medical marijuana has skyrocketed, even as medical experts warn that not enough is known about its risks and benefits. Now some are calling for researchers to tap into that growing pool of users to help answer some of those questions. In 2002, a year after the government first permitted...
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by on March 24, 2015
Both my parents have died from cancer. Both went through Chemotherapy and I have watched them suffer from the affects. If only we were more educated about Cannabis and its benefits. Laurie Canadian420 Here is a survivor.... Meet Stefanie LaRue: Cancer Survivor and Medical Marijuana Advocate Stefanie LaRue was 30 years old when she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer and given the dismal prognosis of less than a year to live. That was nine years ago. In 2013 Stefanie had a Vid...
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by on February 26, 2015
They legalized it! Jamaica decriminalizes marijuana Yesterday, the government of Jamaica made it legal for residents to carry up to 2 oz of marijuana, and grow up to 5 plants. Delroy Chuck, a Jamaican MP and former justice minister, says the new law brings Jamaican law in line with its culture, especially in rural areas where cannabis use is widespread. He said, in particular, rural residents like to use the plant to make a tea. “All the rural residents insist that it gives them a calming effe...
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