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Laurie Canadian420

Female Lives in Sudbury, Canada Born on October 22
Laurie Canadian420
by on February 26, 2015
Washington DC legalises marijuana possession and use Nearly two thirds of voters approved a ballot measure to legalise marijuana in Washington DC As of midnight on Thursday (05:00 GMT), people who use the drug in private no longer face prosecution. The change has created tension between the city's mayor and Congress. Washington DC joins Alaska, Colorado, and Washington state as the only places in the US that allow the use of the drug for recreational purposes. Residents and visitors to the city ...
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by on February 24, 2015
On Tuesday, Alaska became the first red state to legally allow the possession, gifting, and growing of marijuana. The legal change comes after Alaska voters in November approved a ballot initiative that fully legalized marijuana in the northernmost state. Alaska is the third state to legalize the drug after Colorado and Washington. Oregon and Washington, DC, will follow later this year. As of Tuesday, Alaska's Ballot Measure 2 lets adults 21 and older possess up to one ounce of pot, maintain s...
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by on February 17, 2015
Medical marijuana is a legal drug in Canada. True, it is only supposed to be available to people with a doctor’s prescription – but that can be said about hundreds of other pharmaceuticals. What’s more, since there’s no patent on pot, the easy-to-grow plant is really just a generic prescription drug. In Canada, all sorts of generic drugs are safely produced by drug companies, prescribed by doctors and sold by pharmacists. The system works. Except when it comes to medical marijuana. A decade and...
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by on January 12, 2015
There is Plans announced for medical marijuana plant in Owen Sound which will employ up to 100 full time employees. A Toronto-based company hopes to transform the remaining section of the former PPG plant in Owen Sound into one of the largest medical marijuana production facilities in North America. The Canadian Bioceutical Corporation said the operation, which it announced Wednesday, will go ahead as soon as the firm receives the required licence from Health Canada. The plant, once fully ope...
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by on December 23, 2014
Medical authorities support legalizing marijuana Smoke it, toke it, vape it, eat it – marijuana, it seems, is going mainstream. This is what Marc Emery had to say: Marc Emery, the self-styled “Prince of Pot” who returned to Canada in August after more than four years serving a U.S. prison sentence for selling cannabis seeds to Americans, says the city he calls home offers a good model for the rest of the country. “Vancouver right now is closest to how legalization would look in many ways tha...
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by on December 9, 2014
Here is a little bit of History about Jeffrey Kennedy and his battle with cancer and the law. Last Modified: Saturday, March 8, 2014 at 7:33 p.m. Every few months, cancer patient and Boynton Beach resident Jeffrey Kennedy flies to Northern California — not for treatment, but to get medical-grade marijuana. There, the 55-year-old helps out on a marijuana farm in Mendocino County, trimming plants and doing other odd jobs. In return, he receives pot to alleviate neuropathic pain in his legs and...
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by on November 25, 2014
A corporate deal between Privateer Holdings and the estate of Bob Marley that will allow its medical marijuana company to use the Marley brand, is seen as emblematic of the Corporatization of Cannabis. With Wall St. and Bay St. now deep into the weed ... the grass has never been greener. "Herb is a plant, herbs are good for everything. why why these people want to do so much good for everyone, they call themselves government and this and that ... why them say we must not use the herb." Bob Ma...
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by on November 18, 2014
The Liberal Party of Canada says the time has come to legalize marijuana. Now, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health is throwing its support behind the idea of legalization with strict controls to curb its use and social harms. But would legalizing pot signal that it's safe? On CBC radio: Ontario Today Here is their radio broadcast... What are your comments I would love to hear your opinions?? http://www.cbc.ca/player/AudioMobile/Ontario%2BToday/ID/2606242936/ Laurie Canadian420 https:/...
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by on November 3, 2014
Last week I was riding in the truck with the radio on and listening to CBC news and heard how a 11 yr.old first Nations girl with leukemia is waiting on a judge to decide on Nov. 14/2014, whether she should be forced back into chemotherapy. The Brantford family has chosen indigenous medicine instead, and say Canadian courts have no authority over them. McMaster Children's Hospital went to court to try to force Childrens Aid to action to protect the child whom they say, requires urgent, life-savi...
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by on October 15, 2014
It’s almost too taboo to discuss: pregnant women & marijuana. It’s a dirty little secret for women, particularly during the harrowing first trimester, who turn to cannabis for relief from nausea and stress.Pregnant women in Jamaica use marijuana regularly to relieve nausea, as well as to relieve stress and depression, often in the form of a tea or tonic. In the late 1960s, grad student Melanie Dreher was chosen by her professors to perform an ethnographic study on marijuana use in Jamaica to ob...
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by on October 11, 2014
“What has the War on Drugs done in the world?” This is a big issue because it’s good people losing their jobs, their homes, even their children. It’s not because they hurt anyone but because they chose to use one drug (marijuana) instead of another (oxy, etc.). It’s clear that war on drugs has not been successful. Not only has it failed but its been counterproductive in that it has generated a criminal culture much like alcohol prohibition did in 1930s. Dr. Sanja Gupta, the chief medical co...
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by on August 7, 2014
On Ontario Today they talk about High on the job... This program is worth listening too ...David Whitten is speaking on the behalf of medical marijuana in the work place and job loss. David is a highly sought after employment law expert and a founding partner of Whitten & Lublin, a Toronto-based employment law firm specializing in the strategic resolution of complex workplace issues and challenges for both employers and employees. Listen to the radio broadcast on my page https://www.facebook.co...
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