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Lives in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States 29 years old
by on August 9, 2015
So I've been seeing a lot of negativity and it upsets me because I thought we are suppose to come together with love and help the movement of cannabis and the legalization of cannabis. Instead we have people trying to compete with one another on who's better and who has the best bud or who got featured before who. Why does it matter if we're all climbing to reach the same goal? Yes we all have different goals we want to reach but it is still all about the movement of cannabis! We're suppose to e...
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by on July 7, 2015
I just wanted to say before I met the lovely ladies of the 420 nurses, I was lost and confused on how to enter this industry the correct way and because of the 420 nurses I have reached more into the industry than I thought I ever could. Everyday I'm always checking up on the 420 nurse news and casting calls and events because I want to be apart of this beautiful movement that is happening and could change histoty. This is such a strong and powerful movement with very strong and hard boulders th...
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by on July 2, 2015
So here lately I've seen a lot of posts about people being depressed or stressing or troubles that are coming their way. I know how it feels, it almost feels like your life will stop if you don't get over or fix whatever it is that you're stressing or being depressed over. I've let things eat me alive, but I finally got the answer to over come those negative things in your life. Always be positive! No matter the situation, think of the better of the situation. Make the out come a good out come, ...
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by on June 30, 2015
Being a 420 nurse has taught me that yes you can be a woman and fight for what you believe in. 420 nurses has taught me that you can have true family without it being blood. Most of the girls, I look at like sisters. Being a 420 nurse has taught me to strive for the goals and to never give up and to know that I will always have a family/team right behind me every step of the way. 420 nurses has taught me to never give up and keep moving forward with my goals. These girls have empowered me to do ...
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by on June 13, 2015
So the question I get asked a lot is what does it mean to be a 420 nurse and to me being a 420 nurse is being a very powerful but yet sexy voice in the cannabis industry. We all together join as a family and have the same goals to climb for helping the movement of cannabis. The fact that we're women and make these dreams come true to us is amazing because I feel that today with society men feel that women shouldn't be in the industry with cannabis and don't "know anything" about it and all of u...
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by on May 13, 2015
I'm so glad I had the opportunity to meet Summer and ChaCha, they are both beautiful ladies and very inspiring. It was filled with good vibes and love. I loved the fact it was a party but also still expanding the movement of legalization of cannabis. All the girls were so loving and nice and I felt right at home<3 I love the fact that we're all in this together, growing as a family<3 Last night was such an awesome experience that I will never forget. It has motivated me to get Vegas on board and...
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by on May 1, 2015
I just wanted to say I give a big shout out to the modest girls (: All the girls are beautiful but I feel not much recognition is given to the girls who are modest and don't want to pose sexualy or to show to much skin ( don't get me wrong, not saying anything bad because everyone is gorgeous). I just think the girls who are modest need to get more love because I'm also one of those girls and I know how it feels. So don't forget everyone of you are beautiful no matter how you decide to show it <...
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by on April 29, 2015
I have always loved cannabis, even when I didn't smoke it, I love the way it smelled and the way it looked. When I finally smoked, it was such an amazing experience. It relived the stress, anxiety and pain I had. I was myself and was able to finally live without worrying. I feel that Cannabis has helped me grow and has helped me achieve the things I have needed to achieve. I feel that Cannabis motivates me and makes me want to do better. With that being said, I hate when I get looks from people ...
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by on April 26, 2015
I think that not only does cannabis help with medical health issues, it also inspires people. I know Cannabis has inspired me to do many things that I wouldn't have if I didn't smoke. Cannabis makes me feel relaxed and not so stressed, I can be who I really want to be. I'm not a lazy smoke either, I'm very motivated and I just try and get my responsibilities done. I feel that these people who make us all out to be lazy, honestly dont know at all. I graduated high school, and now im taking classe...
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by on March 8, 2015
I don't understand why some people have to sit there and be like "oh you don't know how to smoke" or "Keep your hits in longer" or "my weed is better than yours" For one we shouldn't be downing each other out. For two, we're all smoking trying to help the movement of cannabis and help with our pain or just to relax. So, I don't understand why to some of you guys it's a competition.Some people just have nothing better to do.
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by on February 27, 2015
Hello everyone(: Well my name is GanjaGoddess, I'm a cannabis enthusiast/Advocate. I live in Vegas and have lived in Vegas my whole life. Right now I'm going to CSN to study psychology, sociology and business. Once I get my career going, I want to later down the road open up my own dispensary. I feel that Cannabis helps a lot of people out in a lot of ways. Cannabis can help with physical pain and mental pain like anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder. The reason I started smoking...
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by on February 22, 2015
So I have endometriosis and it's very painful and I'm sure anyone who has it knows what I'm talking about. This is why I'm thankful for my medical card and able to get legal <3 But I was also wondering, does anyone have advice on how to better help the pain? Thanks <3
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