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Lives in Leona Valley, California, United States Born on November 20
by on November 4, 2013
A new study published by the National Institute of Health, which is the most comprehensive of its kind, has found that natural, herbal cannabis is a more effective medicine than pharmaceutical medicines based, or derived from cannabis and cannabinoids.“Cannabinoids, including tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol, are the most important active constituents of the cannabis plant”, states the study’s abstract; “Over recent years, cannabinoid-based medicines (CBMs) have become increasingly available...
79 views 3 likes
by on November 4, 2013
SO, Halloween night at The Vex was amazing, people were so nice and friendly and just all around good people. The night started off well. I was a bit overwhelmed by all the energy and excitement, as it being my first big event, with lots of people there. I arrived and walked over to the dab table and took a huge glob of delicious medicine. From that point everything was so much fun. I got to take photos with many of my fellow lovely, beautiful, amazing 420Nurses. Then I walked around a little wh...
99 views 3 likes
by on October 16, 2013
Sunday was an amazing day.Had a wonderful photo shoot with all the girls. Everyone found interesting ways to rock the 420nurses logo, while still in costume. ChaCha and Summer looked amazing, as always. The body art I had seen done by people at bam tattoo, all did an amazing job and all looked really awesome. I was really happy to see everyone there and had a blast. I loved the part where we all took the group photo in front of the huge THC sign, those photos came out really well. Thanks to all ...
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