by on October 16, 2013
Sunday was an amazing day.Had a wonderful photo shoot with all the girls. Everyone found interesting ways to rock the 420nurses logo, while still in costume. ChaCha and Summer looked amazing, as always. The body art I had seen done by people at bam tattoo, all did an amazing job and all looked really awesome. I was really happy to see everyone there and had a blast. I loved the part where we all took the group photo in front of the huge THC sign, those photos came out really well. Thanks to all the photographers there, you guys did amazing. I looked flawless and as well with all the other really beautiful ladies there.<3 Had a wonderful time with all the 420Nurses and the crew from Bam Tattoo. I love all the girls. I would like to add that I am giving Bam Tattoo a 5 star review from the 420nurses for their awesome hospitality and willingness to join in on the fun and activities. Thank Bam Tattoo. Smile Can't wait for the next event/meeting. Love you.
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Summer Rain
You are amazing <img src="" alt="Smile" title="Smile" title="v_middle" /> You did look flawless<3 cant wait to see your review!!! & I love incorporating my gear with my outfits<3
Like October 16, 2013
Thank you [x=12633]Summer Rain[/x] . It was so much, I love getting out of the A.V.for moments of time, glad it gets to be with all the fellow 420nurses. <img src="" alt="Smile" title="Smile" title="v_middle" />. I can't wait till you see the... View More
Like October 16, 2013