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Female Born on April 20
by on March 29, 2018
Oh man !!!I’m struggling !!! I know I’m life sometimes we have to make decisions and I’m at that point now! I have never been so fucking torn between what I want and don’t want for my life!Part of me says letIt go! Other parts of me say hold on tight ! I always wonder if that’s just the ego though! If I let it go what will happen? But if I hold on where will it go ??? I’m beyond confused! I would love more than anything to just have a set time plan. I wish someone would be able to just tell me w...
145 views 0 likes
by on January 16, 2018
Maaaaan Terpy Tuesday is my favorite day of the week !!! Seeing my girls always warms my entire soul!! So I would like to tell you a little more about Terpy Tuesday. Terpy Tuesday is the day of the week we meet and discuss all our business for the on coming week for our chapter. We talk about events we have or ideas for our chapter, and then as soon as business is done we kick back and smoke!!! My living room is literally a blanket of smoke and I love it!!! Idk what I'd do without these girls!!!...
133 views 2 likes
by on October 6, 2017
Sooooo its another Sin City road trip!!!!!! Exciting stuff happening, we are picking up some inventory, hitting up Friday Night sesh n sleeping in the woods xD !!! We were able to get the illest cabin to stay in !!! It's gonna be a weekend full of weed, women, and lots of love I'm so excited!!! The next 4hrs are gonna go by sooooo slow haha !!! Anywho.. have a great day bbs -Buni signing out
124 views 0 likes
by on October 5, 2017
Soooooo I have been slacking and haven't got to talk about the fact that I got elected VICE PRESENT of my chapter !!!!!!! I can't explain how excited I am!!! I love the girls in my chapter so much, they literally make my life go round!!!! Since I got elected we've been soooo busy!!! (I wasn't slacking for no reason lol)... All the seshes Poppin off in Vegas are so crazy it's amazing to see where our cannabis community it going and how we are growing!!!! Now that I'm VP promise we will be even mo...
150 views 2 likes
by on September 12, 2017
It's Terpy Tuesday again !!! I'm sitting here with my girls seshing and enjoying their company!!! I love having my 420 family !!! These girls are some of the closest people I've ever had in life *tear*! My favorite part of the week is meeting with my girls !!! Work is never work if you love what you do !Until next time BT.
155 views 0 likes
by on July 26, 2017
Legalization in Las Vegas !!!!! So far it's been great !! I got to visit a dispensary for the first time and bought legal weed !!! We chose blue dream haha! I sit and talk with Tiny Tune alot, and we both are so amazed and in awe of life right now ! Together we are making history! Pushing the legalization of cannabis world wide !!! I can't wait until it's legal everywhere ... Now that will be a day to marvel!!
128 views 0 likes
by on July 1, 2017
Hello again babes! I just got home and I couldn't be happier !!! Today we went on our first road trip as a chapter! We stopped in long beach, then hit Venice Beach, and then Canoga Park for our first Friday night sesh!!!! It was amazing seeing the LA chapter Nurses again (I hadn't seen them since help fest!) We had such an amazing time! Everyone was super cool ! The vibes were so amazing the meds were fire all around an amazing night! So now It's 4am in Las Vegas and we are officially able to...
136 views 0 likes
by on June 30, 2017
Hello bbys!!! Can you guess what I'm doing ? By the title I hope you got some sort of idea ߘʰߘ.. but just in case ur stoned and didn't see the title I'll fill u in!!! We r road tripping !!!!!! We came as a chapter heading to LA !!!!! We will see all u beautiful people who will be attending Friday night sesh tonight!!!! It's been a great trip so far I love hanging out with these girls they are some of my favorite people !!!!! So far it's been tons of laughs, smoking, and bullshitting haha our poo...
143 views 0 likes
by on July 16, 2016
Hello fellow 420nurses my name is Bunny I'm new to the 420nurse community and I can't tell you how excited I am !!! I'm a Hooper, aspiring tattoo artist, aspiring cosmetologists, and aspiring 420nurse !!!! I like to keep my hands full !!! Going forward with 420nurse I hope to get my name out !!!! I live in a big city and trying to do big things in a big city, where no one knows ur name is tough !!!! I also am a HUGE advocate for the legalization of cannabis!! I feel like the medicinal benefits a...
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