by on July 16, 2016
Hello fellow 420nurses my name is Bunny I'm new to the 420nurse community and I can't tell you how excited I am !!! I'm a Hooper, aspiring tattoo artist, aspiring cosmetologists, and aspiring 420nurse !!!! I like to keep my hands full !!! Going forward with 420nurse I hope to get my name out !!!! I live in a big city and trying to do big things in a big city, where no one knows ur name is tough !!!! I also am a HUGE advocate for the legalization of cannabis!! I feel like the medicinal benefits are too great to keep our herb illegal !!!! In a yeah from now I want to be finishing school ! I hope to become an official 420nurse and possibly start my very own hula hoop fitness class ❤ well here is a ton about me I hope you all have a great rest of your day happy 420
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Summer Rain
welcome babe ❤
Like September 8, 2016