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Bryn Alexandria

Female Lives in Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States Born on August 18
Bryn Alexandria
by on April 27, 2017
Am I a bad person? I don't mean to act out the way I do. I do it out of feeling abandoned and just hurt over the situations I get myself in. I lost someone in my life I thought I was gonna be with and turned out he's a complete asshole and I'm result to that heart breaking trama, I allowed myself act out and not be myself for a bit. (The person you're getting if you speak to me, Has been me. I'm a caring bitch who allows people walk all get me because I feel like I'm not good enough to stand ...
129 views 1 like
by on March 15, 2017
I have been through hell and back in my life. I'm only 20, turning 21 soon and I've already dealt with an older guy that happens to be an ex of mine and continuously put me down to make himself feel better. Calling me names out of his own insecurities, telling me I was fat and basically worthless. Always wanted me to work out to fit his superficial mind even though how I was when I met him seemed fine then.. made my life a living hell and made me so insecure I was hesitant to even post a sexy pi...
120 views 1 like
by on February 20, 2017
Where to start.... Growing up, I was raised around "don't do drugs or drink" type family and I grew up around that rule. I hated (and still do) the smell of smoke. I had friends that did the drugs and drank but I had one rule: Do what you do... Just Do not bring that shit around me because I was anit drinking (and still am. Drinking and smoking anything other than weed or vape is a thing I'll never do). So I just never touched weed growing up. I was always pro weed... I just always thought i...
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by on February 17, 2017
I'm so glad I made the decision to be apart of the nurses ߘ The girls are super sweet and they give non models a chance to express themselves and become what they wanted to be and help hem become a better model in the future ʢݤ I've been smiling endlessly due to this amazing opportunity and I can't thank cha cha and summer enough for letting me have this dream job ߒ I thank my insta friends @ka_b0om and @highhoney420 for telling me about them and now we can all sesh together when we meet up!...
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