Bryn Alexandria
by on April 27, 2017
Am I a bad person?
I don't mean to act out the way I do. I do it out of feeling abandoned and just hurt over the situations I get myself in. I lost someone in my life I thought I was gonna be with and turned out he's a complete asshole and I'm result to that heart breaking trama, I allowed myself act out and not be myself for a bit.

(The person you're getting if you speak to me, Has been me. I'm a caring bitch who allows people walk all get me because I feel like I'm not good enough to stand for myself.)

It took me years... 8 years to stand up to my parents and I still feel worse about myself. Hell... they abuse me verbally, emotionally, and mentally my whole life. No Surprise I tend to do shit that I know is not right. It's not my fault.
When I finally stood up to my abusive asshole of an ex, he mentally, physically, emotionally, and verbally attacked me and made me insecure.

I'm finally becoming myself again everyday and less insecure but at the same time deal with people who were willing to throw away those they called friends or even sisters. Now... I'm getting kicked off promoters pages and told don't bother promoting them when... ITS GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM. They chose a one sided story over just making it professional.

So... idk what to feel or think.
I'm so glad that @420nurses are family to me. They helped me.

Everyone goes through their own shit.... but blocking me over my shit and what YOU HAVE done to other people.. you're not nice. You use your illness has an excuse. And that how people are quick to come at me..

Believing rumors and assume shit. I didn't have to do anything love, you did this yourself

It's whatever. I just wanna say... good luck in life. I hope throwing me under he his was worth it
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