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by on June 27, 2018
Anyone who knows me has always met the bubbly and kind girl that I have learned to be. This is going to be me sharing with you a piece of my life. A piece of her life. Writing this blog is like me opening the box... Open the box that I closed long time ago. I've learned 2 create and make beautiful things out of shitty situations...I've learned to yes see the light and yes see what is only positive. But sometimes you have to look back and embrace that Darkness. That darkness that built you.. that...
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by on May 5, 2018
Its been tooooo much these past 2 years. It's crazy. I remember the last times I spoke to my mother. She told me about a dream she had of me. And now I finally understand....afterEVERYTHING!Restraining orders.Court visits.HAD TO escape from our OWN home.Long nights.Afraid.Anxiety out the roof.Tears.1 child myself pregnant.Being thrown under the bus by EVERYONE You thought understood and would be there for you.Im too fucken lucky to have my husband who has always been there as a guardian and shad...
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by on August 25, 2017
halleloo everybody & welcome back to my blog these past days have been pretty hectic horrible depressing days it all started when my dad went to the hospital & the manager of our house started being a psycho b**** trying to evict me and my family from my home so that pretty much was the icing on top of the cake since I have two children to think about.. f*** that felt terrible!!! But we finally got everything taken care of. Thank God for my husband who took care of everything & got our home back...
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by on August 15, 2017
I took my dad to the hospital today, he was in a lot of pain and could not cope with it ..it was hard for me to see him like that but i had to be okay..i switched off with my sister and came home..i hope he gets better so soon because its hard being here knowing hes not well..wish i had meds so i can at least rest but ill pull through..i cant wait to see him tomorrow...thats all for todays blog..goodnight everyone.
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by on August 15, 2017
How many people have had negative comment made because of your cannabis use? How many people are mothers that use cannabis on daily basis to help with medical issues? I know i am one of them, i have to admit i still am learning to ignore these ignorant comments from family, friends, people around me, specially when im not on my medication. One thing i have learned is that people are gonna say negative things whether u are medicated or not because thats just what they do,you know why u use cannab...
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by on August 10, 2017
Hello 420 community, im peaches, from _peachesnherbb on instagram, im happy to announce i am a new 420nurse intern! (: i will be in the los angeles chapter, LA has always been my home and i am ecstatic to represent, thank you Chacha Vavoom for reaching out to me and having me be in your teamߘ,i received my intern kit this week and had a some head shots taken, it was amazing to meet the girls and engage with them. Cant wait to see what's next0ߍѰߍ Much Love , The Peach.
131 views 0 likes
by on August 7, 2017
Dead bodies live in swamps, and ditches, and shallow graves. A man dumps the body of a girl in a ditch. The body rotts; Melts into slime. Flowers pop up where the body lies, seeds fly out of the flowers, and a bee sucks the flowers and makes honey. And then the family of the girl buys the honey from the store. And the family eats the girl.
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