by on June 27, 2018
Anyone who knows me has always met the bubbly and kind girl that I have learned to be.
This is going to be me sharing with you a piece of my life. A piece of her life. Writing this blog is like me opening the box... Open the box that I closed long time ago. I've learned 2 create and make beautiful things out of shitty situations...
I've learned to yes see the light and yes see what is only positive. But sometimes you have to look back and embrace that Darkness. That darkness that built you.. that Darkness that loved you and held you safe for a while.. I have lost MOST of my favorite and closest friends to hard drugs... I have watched them just be lost.. I have watched them become something you don't know.. but when it hits your home and when it hits somebody that you have always looked up to and have always loved.. it hurts this day I am still looking for different ways to help and to show this person that they are loved and wanted.
Many people just say let them hit rock bottom then they will learn. Many people bad-mouth,many people call names,many people just leave them at the curb.. but do you really know what you are doing when you do that to someone that already feels like they are worth nothing. You yourself push them down that hole.. that is not someone I am not going to be. I'm going to search and I'm going to find a way to help, a way to make things better...I don't expect it to happen right away... Because these things are healed with time.. but for now know that I am still searching and I'm still here.. and as long as I am still here. I am going to help...
These are my first times coming out and speaking to the world about this..Thank you to anyone that is reading this blog..
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