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Born on March 8
by on August 26, 2015
I'm NOT a morning person, I am, however, a morning shift person. That means I need to be at work art 7 am!!! I used to cry and stress every morning when I woke up because my longing for my warm bed and lover was so strong!! I had to get over this, all the morning stress just made me have bad days almost every day! It's funny how the way you wake up can set the mood for the whole day!!! I had to get into a good morning routine! I had fallen out of my yoga practice too,(bad yogi)but it's time to g...
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by on August 25, 2015
Well today is such a beautiful day out, the smoke from the Washington fires has pretty much cleared, leaving blue skies so I can't complain! I'm still patiently awaiting my intern kit! I'm so excited to get it! PDX is having their second "Up in Smoke" celebration to celebrate Oregon legalizing recreational use of cannabis! I'm already VIP but I'm hoping to rep 420nurses and start getting the name out here!!! It's always exciting when your online following starts to become noticeable! I stopp...
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by on August 24, 2015
I woke up for work this morning at 530. It was still dark. Per my usual routine I start my day with dabs and yoga. My heart almost stopped when my torch took over ten clicks to turn on!! But nonetheless it worked and I got my morning wake and bake in. Stretched out on the floor for my morning yoga routine to get my day started. I always feel so calm and ready for my day when I start it this way! Today is an exciting day! I have an interview at a dispensary this evening after my current job. ...
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by on August 23, 2015
When I first started smoking, I felt like I was about to die. I mean, that first inhale, when your throat tightens up and your lungs literally reject the smoke you're breathing in, you end up coughing so hard!!! And sometimes, it would come to a point where you would tear up, but then, you would be soooo high!!! Eventually, your lungs get used to it. Now you're able to smoke your blunt without coughing, and your friends finally consider you a "true stoner"! I mean, personally, I'm with the cro...
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by on August 22, 2015
Hello!!!I'm Rosie, a pinup model, yogi, and medical patient and I recently joined 420nurses.com! I'm really excited to get my intern kit and begin my journey! I'm excited about everything this industry has to offer, and I'm ready to jump in!!! How long did it take for your intern package to ship/arrive?!?! I only got it yesterday but I'm anxious to get started!!!Find me on instagram @shreyadabs710Wish me luck!!! Much love!!! <3Namaste
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