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Female Lives in Denver, CO, Colorado, United States Born on May 12
by on August 15, 2015
I currently am stuck in Florida.... my husband and i were living here a few years ago where we were raised and had some medicine at our home... they raided our home over less than a pound of high C-B-D flowers and my husband got busted. We then moved to CO and now we are being forced to uproot ourselves from co and live in Florida for his probation... we have been here for a little over a year and a half since he was sentenced. we own a home and run a successful business back home in Colorado......
119 views 2 likes
by on August 4, 2015
I had always envisioned modeling s pretty girls who didnt really have anything going for them besides looks.. and an uncanny ability to look good for photographs. But upon growing up i learned that a model is a person who stands for something. Thats what i want to be. I want to be able to represent something that i believe in. I could think of nothing more than modeling for the marijuana industry. I have always wanted to share what cannabis has done for me. Having suffered from epilepsy and anxi...
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