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Lives in Rialto, California, United States Born on November 17
by on July 25, 2014
Help END Hemp Prohibition!! LEGALIZE California: Legalizes cannabis hemp. Creates & funds new cannabis hemp based industries & jobs. Permits the use of marijuana by adults 21+ & Licenses, Regulates, Enforces, & Taxes recreational marijuana sales just like beer & wine. wWwrRroOonNngGg!!! Today, people are still getting CITED for possession, trafficking, manufacturing & distributing of medicinal marijuana. Join the HEMP P-A-R-T-Y: this Saturday, July, 26, 2014 from 4pm-Midnight Open to Patient's...
87 views 3 likes
by on July 24, 2014
Greetings everybody. Just wanted to let y'all know personally, that my new name is cloudycatz81. Show some love & support, please become my fan or friend. Cloudycatz81 represents me perfectly, in a way kittycatz81 couldn't. I'm DETERMINED, DRIVEN & BUSTING my butt off trying to get to the top. I can really see myself as a Chapter Leader, & need all your LOVE & SUPPORT to get there. So please help me & come JOIN the 420Nurses MOVEMENT & "End HEMP Prohibition"! LEGALIZE California: Everybody t...
116 views 4 likes
by on July 20, 2014
What is the result, if you merge Playboy with High Times?... 420Nurses is the 1st thing that pops into mind. I feel deep down in my heart & guts, that I was meant to be with 420 Nurses. A couple years ago, a Psychic/Medium felt compelled to tell me his message, he asked if I worked in the medical field. During that time, I was a Medical Office Mgr./Medical Assistant. He made a few more predictions, that in time indeed came true with minor glitches; His final prediction was that I was meant to b...
97 views 4 likes
by on July 17, 2014
GGGOOOOOODDD MMMOOORRRNNNIIINNNGGG HAPPY PEEPS!!! I'm SUPER E-X-C-I-T-E-D to have discovered 420 Nurses, I LOVE to BLAZE it up, & have always been covering it up. In my family, it was ALWAYS looked down upon if you smoked weed, especially since I'm a female. But NO LONGER am I going to sweep my LIFESTYLE under a rug!!! Can't WAIT until I get my gear, I'm going to make you all LOVE, HATE, & get SICK of seeing my face :-P. To all you GORGEOUS, BEAUTIFUL, & ESTABLISHED 420 Nurses: please show ...
119 views 5 likes