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Female Lives in Los Angeles, California, United States Born on June 27
by on December 9, 2014
After I moved to LA the day eventually came where I ran out of weed. Having no medical card and only one acquaintance turn friend to turn to, he led me to Paris, no not France...the Paris OG. Paris OG became one of my first five friends I made in the city. The first time I puffed on some Paris I knew was in love. It tasted so fresh, dank if you smoke you know what I'm talking about, that good cannibus taste the one that makes your mouth water. It was the first time in my life I stood in a passin...
110 views 2 likes
by on August 8, 2014
Today I'm down here at the headquarters, reviewing pictures, products, and lining up gigs! We have narrowed it down to 3 pictures for the headquarters but are having trouble deciding on one, so we're gonna open it up to ig users to vote! Be sure to let us know which one you'd like to see on the headquarters! Also, I have just submitted reviews for both vader extracts and paris og! If you haven't tried any of vader's products or paris og yet I highly recommend you do! Of course feel free to p...
89 views 2 likes
by on July 25, 2014
High! My name is rose aka rosebudz or via ig rose_annalee. I moved to LA a little over a year ago and have been fortunate enough to link with the 420 nurses! These girls are amazing people. I am lucky to have their friendship in what at times seems like a vast city. They have been supportive, understanding and accepting and all the while promoting a good cause. Together we have been tackling what LA is all about, networking, promoting and being beautiful! I appropriately joined right before 4/2...
125 views 4 likes