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Male Lives in Inland Empire, California, United States Born on April 6
posted a comment on Tinynicole42069's photo
I feel it's my duty 2 pay hommage 2 this scrumptious black&white booty that belongs 2 1 of my favorite all time cuties. Your most recent work makes my nervous system JJJerk,like whenever i C U twerk. ... View More
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posted a comment on Angelsdust_20's photo
Pardon me while i TttrrrippP over my tongue. Just mesmerized & paralyzed by the magical song this AngelsDust has sung. T is 4 Capital T Thong & a bear hug 4 this derriere extraordinaire it has me figh... View More
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posted a comment on mysterymoonchild's photo
In the still of the night your neon light shines Birthday bright. Your candles 25 makes 1 glad 2 B alive,2 celebrate in R own way & 2 get a chance 2 say Feliz Cumpleanos 2 the Electric Musical Blazer ... View More
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posted a comment on RawBunny's photo
Holy Chips Mor Far ! Steng inngangsdoren som babyen harbakdoren er sa myebedre. Just a glimpse of your glutes rises my temp as if I'm wearing 20 sweaters. Trust me it doesn't get any better. All in up... View More
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posted a comment on Highhoney420's photo
High Honey this photo's $$$,it makes me feel warm inside like when its sunny. There's nothing wrong with your GGGorgeous, green Capital T Thong,it's exactly where it belongs. Playing booty floss cause... View More
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posted a comment on RawBunny's photo
Hei det Khaere im spellbound by the round of your sexy curves. I dare say i have the nerve. I could sit here 4 awhile & stare at your vertical smile as U show it off with style. I think it was Right S... View More
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posted a comment on ChaChaVaVoom's photo
I don't no Y & I'm not gonna lie about this shot,it reminds me of the movie mannequin. A sexy vision comes 2 life 2 good 2 B true so it's gonna B a syn. Your rockin rear end is in a clAss by itself & ... View More
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posted a comment on Amber Lynne's photo
Suddenly I've got an appetite & U no how 2 satisfy my hunger without even taking a bite. Hot bunz in the kitchen my dear U certainly have great taste. I'm going 2 savor every inch of this photo & noth... View More
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posted a comment on Ryin Howery's photo
Such a seductive smile,so welcoming as it lures me in & I'm not at all surprised by the time i realize what's behind those sexy, evil eyes is when my journey really begins. The more of U that i inspec... View More
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posted a comment on Amber Lynne's photo
So bright & pretty like when the day's new,such as a gift that keeps on giving like recieving something so precious from U. U R right about those colors they love U maddly & ever so gladly is plain 2 ... View More
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posted a comment on Prettyskies_420's photo
Holy Chips Mother Father ! Does this photo come in poster size ? Stunning, & beyond beautiful enough 2 make grown stoner cry. Your eyes so warm & smokey dark & very alluring could make me get on all 4... View More
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posted a comment on NevaehAmore's photo
Oh my ! When the smoke hits your eyes after smokin 2 much thai that's Amore. Straight up your buttocks Rock so much i could do the moonwalk. We're talkin a dangerously sexy Ass,VIP,all access,1st clAs... View More
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posted a comment on Taylor Nealy's photo
Oh my how devilishly tempting,decadently Swwweeet ! 3 of a kind behinds R a treasure not hard 2 find but will knock U off your feet & with no calories now that's hard 2 beat. A vanilla caramel swirl i... View More
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posted a comment on TyraGup's photo
Stop the press those eyes could melt the iceberg that sank the titanic. Nothing artificial here were takin natural beauty from a real deal cutie 100%SSSexy organic. So much in your expression without ... View More
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posted a comment on Elliene Dyer's photo
Aye Dios mio Lord Jesus take my soul now but i'mma need my eyes & let me tell U Y. If I would've met U in church I'd wander off with U till they called off the search. Speak 2 a priest wouldn't B a co... View More
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posted a comment on Elliene Dyer's photo
At closer inspection looking up in your direction,then all of a sudden we're damn near perfection. It has been a while since I've seen your stunning vertical smile showing off in style. U R talkin as ... View More
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posted a comment on Tinynicole42069's photo
Oh my my 2day we celebrate this Happy day of Hump. Honoring a hotAss hiney such as this Lllucious lady lump. Over the shoulder heading down south 2 an amazing A-frame on the floor lies my mouth. Your ... View More
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posted a comment on Hysterika6666's photo
2 say the color blue's in love with U would B puttin it kinda mild & 4 such an intimate enbrace my blood pressure starts 2 race in the presence of a wild child with Style like that SSSexy smirk on you... View More
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