Pritty Pott Hed
on January 14, 2014
Cheyenne Weldon, Executive Director of TX NORMAL.
Categories: Events
9 Liked
9 people like this.
Pritty Pott Hed
Meeting with Cheyenne again this wed. for mo. meeting....if any Austin nurses/interns wanna go .... hit me up. Will be taking more photo's. thx...
Like January 17, 2014
Gerry Garlinghouse
I think cheyenne is a fb friend of mine. i know i've talked to her before and i know of her. nice company monica.nice...
Like February 22, 2014 Edited
Gerry Garlinghouse
nope not a fb friend but i know i've talked to her and it's been a while.
Like February 22, 2014