Ove Mehlqvist
on June 7, 2022
hi babes and awesome hippies whazzuuuuup, just a hell here no fun most shit and still a stupid fucking stroke, was 2020 feb think was 26 maybe 28, started in evening all this, a friend i know and said wtf something weird is starting to come and boom whole way to night til afternoon they found me with blood in hallway, now a piece of fucking ear gone on left one, turned blue and black, gone on and til there was nothing left but fluid and bad shit, was getting it off and more clean as much as i could but you have no idea how the hell it stinged for long time, have homehelp now dress me shower me and must get the damn socks on right one cause half paralyzed then, not so fun really, almost everyone have it now even young ones too, never in my life me off all would get something like a fat stroke like that, toke some days to speak again but was always pissed even more with wrong damn letters and all this then, not better with a sick mom that had fought cancer and survived now damn kol then, now so damn pissed off cause no matter i tell her stop have youre fucking head down whole time you dont even look normal so even if i wanted watch a program i had more than enough so she can sit there with damn stupid head down then, cant stand it and worst thing i know is her damn snoring that drives me totally insane hearing it like that maybe thats better damn head down than snoring then i guess, i hate everything, now i found a soulmate and only a soulmate have that feeling and know what other going on and i feel it or i do something then shes feeling it from me, its one in milion on this planet find even one off them all so were just lucky, now many problem have been going on and on so now i wait for her to come in jan. so that will hopefully best day ever come and meet her at airport and hug for our first time, now i sit with my slow lenovo in bedroom not livingroom now, she must get someone to charging phone cause its very long time that put power on again, hope you all are good and have a groovy awesome day hippiessssss <3
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