on May 26, 2021
Everyone thinks by holding in a hit longer is going to give you a more intense high, but that's not the case. THC and Cannabinoids are absorbed within seconds of inhalation, meaning there's no reason to hold in that toke. The light headedness you experience after holding in a puff for too long is not a more intense high, but it's your brain needing oxygen.
📸Featuring our beautiful chapter VP @k.m.k.queen wearing her #pink #420nurses top🤗 Get yours today by hitting that link in any of our #420nursesintern bio's also receive 10% off just by using the link!
Save on shipping by stopping by the @420nurses.norcalchapter booth
Jun 5th at the Spring Sesh💨 and see what we have on hand💋
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Love being a part of this with you girls
Like May 26, 2021