on May 11, 2021
This is prince Julius. Y'all like stories? I'm a story teller.
During COVID, I ran out of paying work consistently as I was mostly cashing in off brand ambassador work doing cannabis demos at rec shops. I had always wanted to learn organic soil and composting, living off the land, all that fluff. Finally got authorized at one of the farms. The owners basically asked if they'd let an LA outsider into the hills to work and live with them. The owners ran it by each of their farms and facilities, it came back that nobody wanted a city boi except for one of them. The roughest of the farmhands, were the only ones who would give me a shot. They basically worked me to death and when I kept on keeping up, they just went harder. I didn't really have many friends on the hill. I had Kirin and her father Mikal, whom was my manager. And then I had this rad old Jamaican gentleman named Mark who mentored me and taught me a lot about this whole new world I didn't even begin to try to front on having any understanding of. My main tasks for the first two months included weeding, leafing, watering, feeding, compost tea making, pressure washing, hole digging, and a lot of rope pulling with just the oldest gentleman, and the youngest, myself working the light dep tarps every morning.
Nobody would tell me that this cat runs through the poison oak whenever he feels like. So I didn't end up getting poison oak from Prince Julius, and he was pretty much my best friend on the farm. He would come find my at my campsite by the river, where I'd weed was in his favorite Vole hunting area so he'd always drop by when it got hot and just pretty much lay on my legs as I pulled weeds.
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