on January 30, 2018
WHO IS DOWN TO HAVE SUPERBOWL with me ߍpߍpߍbݓ you are invited to join me celebrate my Birthday BASH #SUPERBOWL ߍ party pߎpߎȰߎɰߎʰߎ Fun starts Ȃ@2PM-7pm 0ߎFREE PIZZA Ȱߍհߍ, FREE MEDICATED & NON MEDICATED CAKE հߎ°ߎ°ߎ°ߎFREE DABS °ߍpߍpߍDONATION ONLY @ the DOOR or Bring a GIFT bݤ️ ߎpߎpߎ #Giveaways #raffles #games #420nurseModels showing the game 6TVs + projector Indoor+outdoor sponsored by @goldmemberextracts
#vendors #superbowl #performances #livebodyart #chachavavoom #bdaybash
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