Saturday, November 29, 2014 5:50 pm - Sunday, November 30, 2014 1:50 am
Costa Mesa, California, United States
Hey! The first Medicated Mansion party is going to be at this dope mansion in Costa Mesa on Saturday.

It's sponsored by Prodankazine, Medicated Hot Wings, Kush Kakery, OTB Extracts and Tiki Killers and there's also going to be non-medicated catering and they'd love for some 420 Nurses to come out and party!

If you'd like to come on out and get your smoke on, RSVP and send me (AbaZabaUMyFriend) a message so I can get you the address!

I'm not sure what time it'll start yet but it should be all night Smile
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so excited for his!
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