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Female Lives in san diego, California, United States Born on May 21, 1988
by on March 8, 2017
2016 was supposed to be the best year for me but this year is looking like one of the worst. My mom is in hospice! I feel like my whole world is crashing and i can't do anything about it. Never in a million years did i think that i would ever have to face something like this !
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by on April 12, 2016
I'm so excited my next event will be sddabswhats up and it's happening on my birthday. Pretty awesome huh!? The last two were a success, lets see how this turns out. I've never had an event on my birthday! The big 28. doesn't feel like i'm getting any older !!
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by on April 10, 2016
getting ready for events is a crazy thing. I always find myself a nervous wreck,But lately going to shows have been a little bit easier. I have been more organized.I find it easier to prep for show a week early if anything changes you can always add on or take off!I really do enjoy the shows though. It is very exciting to meet all kinds of new people, patients and vendors!
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by on April 1, 2016
In my own opinion I think a 420nurse should be presentable. I also think she should have a smile and be ready to have fun. I don't think a 420nurse should be shy because we deal with all kinds of people as well as patients.I thinka 420nurse should be outgoing and helpful in all situations. how about you?
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by on March 18, 2016
Yes! Oh my gosh man thank god for mother inlaws haha. Thanks to my mother inlaw today and thanks to breast pumps i got to sleep in today & no i'm not talking about till 10am or 11am i'm talking about till 3 this afternoon. Man it felt good i haven't slept that long in a while.I woke up and felt energized. My body felt different it felt lose and limber.I could use more days like today.
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by on March 16, 2016
I want to be a 420nurse because i enjoy helping others. I also love the fact that I get to work at events and meet different kinds of companies. Being a 420nurse means to help others understand the true meaning of medical marijuana. Means volunteering hours so that our rights as patients are heard and met.
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by on March 14, 2016
Before I was never an edible kind of person. Recently I have been on an edible binge but I have to honestly say some companies don't taste medicated at all and zero effects. Do you always trust the edibles you buy? How do you honestly know if they are really medicated? Do you have a favorite edible company? I do it's actually papazpotionz his edibles work.
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by on March 13, 2016
Loving the way a group of people can get together and work hard. I love when there is no drama it easy to get things done. Feels like a breathe of fresh air. Girls are more open to speak up and give ideas so it's more of a group effort instead of a me effort, because there is no I team. I think our chapter is going to go very far with this new positive vibe!! been waiting for a fun fresh start.
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by on March 12, 2016
It means empowering other women to stand up for what they believe in. It means being a woman in a leadership role. To me it means being apart of a sisterhood and having sisters i never had. It means to laugh and sometimes cry with these girls. 420nurses means to grow and find yourself.
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by on December 18, 2015
Lately I have been collecting a lot of glass and I have to say I'm loving it. I have even switched over from titanium to quartz OMG is there a huge difference in taste and way i feel after. I have gotten a headache in a while, and the taste of the concentrates are so much different instead of all the dabs tasting the same every strain has very distinctive taste. I'm actually happy I have switched over. I have even started to use glass dabbers to dab and carb cap with. I have noticed that with th...
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by on December 17, 2015
Hi everyone! I have been pondering all about something. Do you like weed or dabs? Do They have different effects on you? I like dabs through out the day keeps me calm and relaxed but doesn't get me to medicated i'm still able to function. At night I like to medicate with marijuana knocks me right out and keeps me asleep, I don't wake up much at night either. what is your preference and why?
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by on December 13, 2015
I honestly have to say the holidays and starting with Halloween. I love Halloween because I love dressing up. Then comes thanksgiving not just because of the food but because everyone in the family gets together, no matter how long we haven't spoken we'll for sure see each other thanksgiving. Then comes Christmas I love Christmas because of the decorations and lights & the joy on all the kids faces as they open their presents. I also love how all the ladies in my family come together in the ki...
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