by on June 29, 2021
      Pic #1^: before loosing the weight Pic #2^ - me at my lowest point mentally and physically  Pic #3 ^ - this photo was taken at a photography event in the last 2 months :))   ...
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by on June 29, 2021
Already you guys it is that time for me to make another blog!  So I don't know how many of you truly read this but that being said I have some information I thought would be proper to share.  Since so many of us are traveling for Kush stock I was wondering how everyone goes about planning booking et cetera ...
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by on June 28, 2021
So I've been trying to think about how to come up with a blog entry that could possibly be a could possibly be a magazine submission entry.  One of those 2 thoughts can be either the life partners behind the 420 nurses and what they deal with And how they support.  …. or… ...
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by on June 27, 2021
Perennials are the backbone of any garden! While annuals provide quick color for the whole season, they live for only one year. Perennials come back for many years, so they're a great investment to get the most out of your garden budget. They also bloom for a shorter period of time early, mid-season or later in the season, with their flowering period lasting for a few weeks or so. They typically take a few years to get established, too, so don't fret if they seem lackluster the first year or two...
80 views 0 likes
by on June 27, 2021
So after thinking of several blog ideas I finally came up with 1 good 1 to talk about.  Yeah many of us have our own businesses or side hobbies that we make money from. But my question to all of you is besides peaches  And Laila how do you all incorporate selling your own items as well as yourself into the 420 nurse motto?  I went to a punk rock home concert of about 90 people kenwell let's just say no one was too thrilled by my glitter leotard and marijuana colored bottoms. ...
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by on June 25, 2021
So exited for this tattoo themed sesh tonight! Come spark one up with me🥰
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by on June 24, 2021
I had my one day to be mother in law sit in to the chapter meeting tonight with us and hear what we were all about how motivational we are what our goals are and what it takes to become an official entering. She was kind of shocked that it was something so easy As organization, dedication,  and a network of like minded people. After our meeting on zoom we went out to eat tacos representing the lifestyle  We may have a new fan join soon.  She is very supportive as well as my own mother for ...
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by on June 23, 2021
This Saturday in Albuquerque nm.
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by on June 23, 2021
Very high thoughts might delete later Greater reliance on remote work due to covid. More flexibility for remote parents.  ...
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by on June 22, 2021
Today for a blog I decided I was gonna talk about motivation. But I guess  Realistically I'm going to be talking about discouragement. And what at least causes it for me.  I don't know how many of you'll deal with becoming discouraged but I know I deal with it on a daily basis. I know it's hard to be positive when there's a lot of people around you and you have a lot affecting you because at that point you're not in control of your surroundings. I was wondering what you guys do or how you rem...
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by on June 21, 2021
So I've struggled with social media marketing in broadcasting and actressing for the past 10 years. For the past 5 I've been sitting in the background watching 420 nurses as well as several friends of mine achieve dreams with their own.  I was always the girl in school that everyone knew and talked to but I wasn't popular and I didn't have friends. I was the oddball in a small asked country town in Oklahoma..   I read many things On the Internet about the kinds of models and the requiremen...
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by on June 17, 2021
Hello my name is Tara but most people refer to me as Vampkittie I am 24 years old. I have been following the 420 Nurses since I was 17 and got my first medical card. I first saw them promoted in the dispensaries I freqented. I have always looked up to the Nurses and the advocacy and the accessibility they helped to create for patients of the 420 community. I have been medicating with marijuana since I started having back to back surgeries on my legs. I am a disabled and legally blind person w...
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