Intern Profile
by on October 20, 2011
Marijuana and Mental Illness

The Myth: That cannabis can cause permanent mental illness.

The Fact: There is no actual scientific evidence that proves this at all.

Is Marijuana Addictive?

The Myth: That Marijuana is highly addictive.

The Fact: The fact is that most people smoke marijuana every now and then, less than 1% smoke it everyday. And of these an even smaller minority develop any kind of dependance on marijuana. There are many, many reported cases of frequent, heavy smokers stopping without any problem.

Marijuana and Lung Damage

The Myth: That Marijuana causes far more lung damage than Tobacco.

The Fact: Marijuana smokers typically smoke much less marijuana that tobacco smokers smoke tobacco and hence only incur very minor damage to their lungs. Also, there are absolutely no reports of lung cancer that are related to souly the use of marijuana.

Medicinal Use

Fact: Marijuana has been proven extremally effective in relieving the pain and nausea that is caused by diseases such as cancer. It is also able to bring back appetite for AIDS sufferers.

Brain Cells

Myth: Marijuana kills brain cells.

Fact: Absolutely no medical tests used to detect human brain damage have found damage caused by marijuana - even in the cases of long term smoking.

Cannabis and Crime

Myth: Marijuana causes Crime.

Fact: Every single study of the relationship between marijuana and crime conducted has confirmed that a large majority of marijuana smokers commit no crime other than that of smoking cannabis. Furthermore studies show that marijuana actually decreases agression instead of increasing i
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Love it! And I love being the less %1.. smoke weed everyday!!! <img src="" alt="Wink" title="Wink" title="v_middle" />
Like October 20, 2011