by on October 18, 2011
We support Mary Jane to the Fullest, As a Lifestyle, As Art, As our MEdicine, As our Past time, As part of who we are, Were not Killing nobody, This is our Bodies and we choose what we want, you are entitled to your opinion but so am I Wink

Her existence in this world has been and was made as a living asset and necessity in most living situations, Even things we consume and purchase everyday.

The tern Medical Marijuana is medicine for the sick,
A VERY Important Term of Awareness and Truth behind this 420herb we all love!

Recreational Use is a term Use by the Government most commonly use with other terms such as drugs, alcohol, tobacco . This Term Recreational is something we must end! The fact that MaryJane has a healing power to cure the soul and take away pain, No matter if your profession is a Politician, RockStar, Judge, Pastor or Lawyer the Fact is that this Term is created to Bring down one another.

This Term has a negative affect on the 420Community and by us doing this to each other we allow the people who are non educated about the 420WOrld to Continue judging us in a negative way bringing down the medical use of it as well.

WHat Im saying is this...
If you smoke weed simply because it makes you feel good and you want to share peace and love to the world, or you Sell Hemp T-shirts because you want to create awareness and find the possibilities of where it can take you, or you smoke it because you are sick as long as you Continue creating 420Awareness your own way good things will happen for you, Never bring other people down for trying to do something another way, thats not your way Wink

"Lets dedicate ourselves in giving a Permanent HOME to MaryJane and praise eachother for being on her Side VS being against Eachother"
420Nurses ChaChaVaVoom

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