kelsy G
by on October 11, 2011
"I only like the term pothead—it not love it! Its suggesting that I'm high all the time 4:20, which I'm not," "I don't need it to get through my day. I just enjoy it when my day is over." writing this blog while medicating . my daily ritual costs only $100 a month, a pittance compared with the cost of my monthly horrible medication would cost me, or time wasted waiting to see a doctor as simple as my My haircut and even A fun night out, It never induces a post-happy-hour hangover and, unlike the Xanax a doctor once prescribed for my depression , never leaves me feeling horrible or out of control. "Look, every female I know takes control and focuses on being a leader, achieving goals and overcoming it all "It's really not a big deal to smoke Medical Marijuana."

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Cannibal Kisses
I am in love <3
Like October 11, 2011