by on October 1, 2011
Lets get the facts ladies out!

Our skin is not always the best twenty four seven, Unhappy

I just had to share the with you all not to get discourage when you find an imperfection on yourself.

That imperfection might be the thing that makes you shine!

My weekend started this thursday , Im not working as much as i wished and looking for a job got me wanting vacations cause im so tired of looking, Anywhoo, I decided to start getting myself together for the weekend and noticed my skin was breaking out, getting dry, itchy and oily! The weather has not been helping at all and my poor diet has been showing off. It turned me off from anything happening this weekend~

My skin takes the worst beat with heat, sun, traveling, not enough sleep and all those bad things i do Unhappy

At any rate, despite my bad skin I went to the casting call i saw someone posted on here at the mall, I decided to go shopping if it didn't work out so I knew it was going to be a win win for me!

Entering the store i saw so many beautiful ladies who i knew my chances of getting cast was close to none!

To my surprise I signup and right away a company that was looking for models to test their new products on gals with skin like me called me up! Took one look at me , I kid you not!! I got hired on the spot to do a commercial + Free products Smile

This is a chance i took and found it to be very good for me, I was able to get rid of my problem and got paid to do it Wink Im hoping this blog will help you next time to give you that motivation you seek and the support of an Intern like myself going through the same things you are Smile
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awesome and congrats =]
Like October 5, 2011