Miss Love
by on September 25, 2011
Start from late nights.

I love photography and fashion.

Tonight started with a hash edible, and has since progressed into a night full of happy events - one being the completion of my first round on my "F*CK YOUR TEE UP!" project I have going on.

I've collected a few shirts that were so cute I couldn't pass up but too big to wear on their own. Always on the lookout for fun, I decided that I was 100% capable of cutting them in a cute way and rock it like that. I was 100% right. All five shirts turned tanks turned out awesome.

I have to admit, it was much more difficult than I anticipated and I was overwhelmingly underprepared material wise. In other words, round two needs a sewing box full of thread, needles, ribbons and buttons. It was a bit time consuming, but well worth it. I'm more than satisfied with this batch, now onto more designs.

Before I start those, I wanted to update my profile here, smoke a bowl and write my first blog entry. Enjoy. Subscribe. Smoke. Toke.

Later? Exercise, volunteer time at the collective, then DODGER GAME!!

__daily phrase: "You always get out what you put in."
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Right on my dear! Take pics in your shirts and post em, i'd love to see!
Like September 25, 2011
Miss Love
will do ma!
Like September 25, 2011