by on November 18, 2022

Hey guys! I recently made a big life change by moving from CO to LV, NV back in the middle of August. I have been looking to make new friends in the area which inspired me to start becoming much more active in my role as a 420Nurse and to start my own chapter here in Las Vegas!

I'm very excited about all these changes and my vision for the future! I believe I have a bunch of good ideas to bring to the table and I cant wait to share them all with you!! If you have any ideas on what our team name should be I'd love to hear all the themes you guys can come up with(:

Look out cause you'll be seeing a lot more of me here soon,





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Welcome to fabulous Las Vegas!!! I live here as well 1f642.png
Like December 5, 2022
‌thank you! Would love to hang out sometime if ure down(:
Like December 22, 2022