by on August 3, 2021

About 3 months ago, I packed up my car and drove from Atlanta to move to Los Angeles to pursue my dreams as a professional photographer. Since living here, I’ve met so many great people and I’ve gotten a chance to do some amazing photo shoots to make my name known in the city. It’s been a really tough road trying to stay afloat but I’ve been doing my best to keep pushing forward day by day.

Yesterday though, I was walking to my car when I noticed that my hood was open. I ran over to check on it and I realized that someone had stolen the battery out of my car.

I quickly looked through the car and noticed they had also stolen all of the important things that I came all the way out here with including all of my camera equipment and even my brand new toothpaste. 

Now, after all of the hard work I put into investing in my craft and packing up my life to pursue my passion, I feel like I’m left with nothing. At this point, I’ve probably cried a million tears but at the end of the day, all I want is to be able to get back to doing what I love.

Instead of throwing in the towel, I want to take the steps to rebuild piece by piece to something even better than before and hopefully inspire someone on the way. If you can, anything helps and it will all be so greatly appreciated. Thank you so much in advance.

My gofundme link: https://gofund.me/ed13d3a3

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