Shauna Ray Webster
by on June 27, 2021

So after thinking of several blog ideas I finally came up with 1 good 1 to talk about.

 Yeah many of us have our own businesses or side hobbies that we make money from. But my question to all of you is besides peaches  And Laila how do you all incorporate selling your own items as well as yourself into the 420 nurse motto?

 I went to a punk rock home concert of about 90 people kenwell let's just say no one was too thrilled by my glitter leotard and marijuana colored bottoms.

 I've been trying my best to sell stickers and I knew that this was something many had problems with. I know it's not selling stickers it's selling promotional advertisement with a good review if we like their merchandise.

 Now I know how to network and create events and get together's going as well as photo shoots. But the one thing I can't seem to figure out is the affiliate link. I've had 2 people tell me they have ordered items off of The 420 nurse website but then my affiliate link on the store page doesn't show so.

  For the past 10 years I have been trying to bring marijuana to Georgia and for the past 6 months to Pensacola Florida. In Georgia people were a lot friendlier more open minded about talking about cannabis although down here it seems just wearing anything pot related will get the cops called.

 More stoner blog thoughts to come

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