by on April 14, 2020

Hey guys! I hope that quarentine is treating you well, I thought I would tell you a little bit about mine. April 20 my boss decided to voluntarily close his nail salon as our other was forcibly closed along with our entire mall. Shortly therafter Montana's govenor announced that we we under a stay-at-home order until at least April 17, and that nail salons, tattoo parlors, hair studios, etc. would be closed until then too. So I was out of a job for almost a month. I applied for unemployment. Around the same time my boss closed his salon, GameStop went to Delivery @ Door. They also cut our hours by almost thirty, with now two stores employees to accomodate, because as I said before, our mall had closed. Two weeks later and they cut them further so now they are half what they were originally, with the store manager  being required to work over half of them. I am also the only original employee from my store on the schedule, which makes me take priority. I now work 4 hours closing Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. At GameStop I am "essential". 

So because I now have not only four of the seven days a week off, I also have most of my other days to fill up my time. Luckily I discovered Fallout 76. I have always loves Fallout, having played Fallout 4. I also love Bethesda games, having played Oblivion in high school as my first mature game. I had watched my grandfather play it on PC. Then I played some Skyrim before PC's became too expensive. Fallout has occupied many an evening and night, and some of today as they released a HUGE update for it. I have some great friends I play will, all over the continent. I have also been working on my island in Animal Crossing. Bunny Day was fun, and man was collecting cherry blossoms a feat. But it was all rewarding! I have some very happy settlers. 

I have also delved my time into all things 420Nurses. Any day that I am not working, and now the mornings that I wont be, I get ready and made up, and have a blast taking some fun pics. My best friend said to me that the boost in my confidence was noticable. I like taking my own spin on everything. Doing all that also helps me keep some kind of normalicy to my life during all this. I could definitely stay in my PJs and stay in bed all day, and believe me I had a few of those, but doing this helps me stay even and not go stir crazy. Not to mention interacting with everybody. I have loved that. 

Follow me on Instagram at Smokin.Mia to see more of the ways I played with the blue camisole dress!!


Topics: quarentine, gaming
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Your photos on IG are great!
Like April 16, 2020
Thank you so much!! ☺️
Like April 16, 2020