Summer Rain
by on January 16, 2020




I definitely aspire to write more blogs, I said that last year, but I’m always working at my goals so there’s no shame in repeating goals that you need more work on !



In March of 2018 we opened the 420Nurses boutique. We have now almost been open for 2 years! 


Chacha thinks this year is gonna be the year of “DO-ers.”


Its time to manifest everything we want to accomplish. 


This time last year, I was hoping to be more productive and that has never changed. I really want to motivate myself to succeed this year. 

we celebrated 10 years of 420nurses brand in october and that was amazing!!!

We have been working with Friday night Sesh for the last 4 years being at our 420nurses photography studio. 2019 has brought new laws, and we have a lot planned for a bigger and better event in May. 


The first ever adult cannabis playground will be the most epic cannabis event ever put on. It will be hosted by the world famous 420nurses, bringing you only the best of the best event attractions, activities, performances and more! 


I got to travel to some awesome places in 2019 including Mexico, Bahamas, and Thailand. I got engaged to Chacha and Jimmy in April 4/20, and we got married in December, this year will be our first year married and Im excited to see where that takes us. 


My goals for 2020 are as follows


  • Take more photos 
  • Throw the biggest cannabis event in MAY
  • Create more YouTube videos & video content
  • Make more friends
  • Travel to more places 
  • Help more chapters start around the world in and out of US
  • Write more blogs
  • Make more $$ online with my 420nurses online store


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