Angel ganja 420
by on August 21, 2019

I believe  that @lifestylemagazine is more than a girl who smokes 420.

It is about everything she has done in her life time and had to fight for and being a warrior. 

 I truly want to be on the cover of lifestyle magazine. I believe I am  Truly embodying everything the magazine wants took share and represent. I run an online business I am a designer and creator a fierce fashion the name of the business is xanadua.

 I'm not embarrassed by the fact I have to survive off 900 a month.I'm on disability so I'm a person who is able to do everything I do on a budget and I believe in building women up not tearing them down that's why I'm listed as a 420 patient not a  420 nurse intern I did not change it they did.

I don't think I fit the mold of being a cookie cutter girl going to events to talk about cannabis and get stoned and party that's not a lifestyle that's just a hot mess, someone wanting to get free swag and wear a bib so they can drool on themself. I went without anything first 2 cancers.

This 3rd one I've tried cannibis and dabs C-B-D CBC..

Marinol is 6000 dollars a month.

Dont get me wrong yes it's nice to go to festivals and rallies but that can't be your whole life you have to do something else and you have to pay it forward and have good karma.I like sharing things with  People I meet   Whether it's at a concert a festival a biker rally on the bar dancing  at hogs and heifers dancing and living and loving myself and the life I have left.

Im currently a cancer patient and I do have my medical marijuana card and I am against pharmaceutical companies because I think that they are out to just hurt people and take everything they have and leave them with nothing but pain and suffering .down with pharmaceuticals  up with farms 

Down with censorship 

Down with women who are only about herself or trying to look hotter than others.

I am a vetran of the army, I served my country I am one of the 1st women ever in the history of the military to train with the men my name is in the history books so I'm leaving a legacy I'm very proud of son will have something to be proud of.

I ride a Harley, even after a partial amputation  to my right hand.

I'm a rocker chick. I have tattoos I take care of my mom I love her she is my soul I would never have her in a home to me life is not about what parties you're going to who can get the most lit...

Its ' about what you do with your life the information you've received in your life and what you do for other people I am currently fighting for the 3rd time cancer I need a liver transplant, I'm in renal failure,  but I will not give up I am a Warrior  I am woman hear me roar. This is my beliefs. 

If you truly want the full meaning of lifestyle magazine then vote for me 

#staylifted #hydrate and #medicate BUT MOST OF ALL HELP OTHERS LOVE YOURSELF AND BE A FUR BABIE ADVICATE.HELP US VETRANS every think you might not have the freedom u have if we didnt fight for it for you.

Sincerely Daphne aka angel_ganja420 


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