Summer Rain
by on February 10, 2019

I feel like last year I slacked off really bad on writing blogs. I work next to 420nurse ChaChaVaVoom everyday and that is an honor. We have been very busy and 2018 was a groundbreaking year. Chacha and I plan for this year to be just as productive, or more. I have been a 420nurse for 6 years now!!! WOW !!!



In March of 2018 we opened the 420Nurses boutique. By this time last year we were tearing up carpet, setting up display cases, and investing a lot of time and money into the boutique. 


After the weed we are all you need. Partnering with the white C-B-D we are also a C-B-D superstore. Our trials and tribulations have helped us become more successful than we’d expect being new to retail. While I’d still consider our 420Nurses boutique store a work in progress, I’m proud to say I’m pretty sure we are the largest smoke shop in the San Fernando valley and we’ve been able to help customers from ages 2years old- 97 years old, countless locals rely on us for their goodies, and we’ve had the Chance to meet folks traveling in from Colorado, Vegas, Arizona, Florida, Seattle, Oregon, New York, Australia, Canada, Spain, and more. 


We have been working with Friday night Sesh for the last 3 years being at our 420nurses photography studio. 2019 has brought new laws, and we have a lot planned for a bigger and better event in May. 


With the right energy, dreams and passion, you really can acheive your goals through 420nurses. Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t. 

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8 people like this.
This is really inspiring! Thank you for sharing Summer.
Like February 11, 2019
Summer Rain
youre welcome!! thanks for reading
Like February 11, 2019