Canna Queen
by on January 16, 2019
Does anyone else get lazy when it's raining outside? Or even just gloomy and cold? It makes me feel so tired and sleepy. Like I want to curl up into a ball and watch movies all day, fall asleep on and off and eat a bunch of shitty ass food. I love doing nothing. I'm not sure if it's my depression, the medications I'm on, the weed I'm smoking, how much I'm smoking, the fact that I am smoking, or if it's just that I love doing nothing. I want to want to do stuff. I just don't want to do it. Maybe I need to start exercising everyday again. That helped get me out doing more things because I felt better about myself maybe. I want to go out but I don't want to go alone. And when other people say let's go out, I suddenly don't want to go or I get sleepy and lazy. Maybe I'm just making excuses. Maybe I just need to suck it up and force myself to be awake during the fun times and the important times. I need to force myself to go on that walk or jog instead of taking that nap and smoking. I need to go to the mall with my friends instead of laying in bed all day watching pointless youtube videos and binging Netflix and Hulu tv shows. Maybe I should stop paying for my Netflix account? Lmao let me know what y'all think, whoever fuckin reads my posts. I love U. You beautiiful human. Thank you for listening. Stay positive and stay cool out there. Keep smoking fat and eating good y'all.
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