Angelheart clothing
by on January 2, 2019
HI, I hope this finds you all well, so i wanted to write today as something unsettling happened to me.yesterday,
new year !!
I was woken up yesterday morning ,by a bunch of new neighbors, under my window in the driveway drinking vodka and being very loud, the one girl was having a man yelling at her, my boyfriend and i were pissed off to be woken up to a bunch of cussing and ignorance at early in the morning, I went out to ask the dude to give the girl, her keys which, he had and would not give her, we asked all of them nicely to stop the noise and instead, the 5 individuals started fussing, I had one of the males come up on me and take his shirt off telling me he was going to kick my ass? i asked again to stop the nonesense , be quiet , (it was 7;05 in the morning. )
and that i did not want to fight, He kinda rushed me and i stood my ground, He backed up and his girl then jumped in my face, saying i was bold ? wtf ??? i begged them to stop and be reasonable, they all started yelling and I had no coffe and just woken up and now was faced by attackers, i went into defence mode, trying to keep calm ,
I told the girl to call of her man, I told her I would not be bullied by a man and that what kind of man starts a fight with a women.
ps all these people were gown ass adults.
I ask what makes a man feel that he can physically insult a women and not face any consequences, the girl was given back her keys and I told her i came out to make sure u were ok, as I don't belive in men threating a women. my boyfriend was behind me and every time that he told them to stop yelling,they started calling us names, the most hurtful to me was the comment that I had " white Privielige:?? WTF?? is that ???
if that was the case i would have money and car, I want to make a point here that RACISM is a TWO WAY STREET!!!
you want respect than you show respect.!!
By the way my boyfriend, is part Nakota indian not white !
I am a multi cultural soul who grew up in the ghetto and am a avowed wigger ! lol my old neighbors called me that and it was funny as they meant i was hood and tough, this girl called me a bitch ? and I told her I was not to bullied, !! and I went in the house and called the cops, who rolled by, I don't want this bad blood, but these hoodrats thought we were soft and that they could come up on me, I am a martial artist and 6ft, 2 reasons to not fuck with me !!
I was so angry all day and while these individuals want to live their life in anger i do not. ! the cops came,rolled by shooed everyone ! and the ruckus died down.
WTF?? I defend my self and i do belive i have the right to not have DRUNKS under my window, my 8 year old niece is the next window. down, this was a horrible incident.
I do not want this, i am so over being bullied by people who have no resepect for themselves and want to inflict emotional terrorism to others.
Being broke and angry I almost lost my temper , jail sounds good after 3 years on the street and getting kicked out of everywhere every 3 months for 2 years, the reasons are varied but usually it comes down to I have been compliant up to a certain point, been taken advantage of i.e. " watch my kid," " do this for me " ect,ect...
i am not a servant !! and till pushed, then when pushed , I am the bad guy?
in one instance , I was asked to leave, left on street by a supposed friend so her adult son , could live with her after , i paid rent.
again I am the bad guy ? cause i like to smoke pot ? was the reason given to me several times ? you knew I SMOKED WHEN I MOVED IN YOU IDIOTS !!
This is hard to be out here with no friends and no money, i just want people to know that if u are of a color and u make a racist remark about anyone !!! due to thier exterior-or based on appearance, fat shaming ect. guess what makes u a racsicts or a hater !!
, i fixed this situation, by using my "white Privelige ??" and calling the cops like a sane person should do, i informed the police that they made threats, he told me take photos,avoid them and if they speak to us call the cops, wow so no way to start a new year.
I know that deep in my heart, i will not allow a man to physically confront me, this fool was saying i don't need no weapons, just my hand, well wait till he sees the machete that was in the garage !!
So ,I wanted to say IRISH AMERICANS are a minority !!!! we were fooled by the english, in some cases co-ereced on boats against thier will.( hmm sound familiar ? )
look it up ! they then brought to this country we worked hard , helped in the civil war, shed blood in modern wars and were at one time considered to be a "low" species and every other name that was applied historically to the black race was said about the irish !!!
I want you younger people to consider some history and do some research before you ignorantly, spout racist ignorant shit, my boyfriend was so mad that he posted a sign, (oh forgot to tell you about the 2 kids who called us devil worshippers as we were listening to metal in the garage ,_)??? so his sign says I am Nakota,half breed ,mud-blood and proud, F all u rasicts and C#$^b . His fave word, so lets see who messes with us now. But it his right to free speech to protest this treatment!!
I have serious reservations about letting my niece play with these hood rats, ( she is mixed ) so how am I am racist?? ok. but i don't want her to be subjected to people with rage issues and all these neighbors do is yell at each other all the time. the kids are angry too.
I dont know what to do. ;(
ON top of that I went on facebook, which sucks, already and saw a girl who tormented me at faire a former friend telling me that she is going to some events where i am supposed to vend and already paid, so I am not happy about that , I have to stand up to a bully again, just so I can make money at an event.
I am if nothing pro- active, so today i consult a lawyer and i do have an order against this girl, and multiple complaints, which h have gone un adressed by festival management.
so I will stand strong and tell you all to make a stand ! don't back down in the face of ignorance.!! If you have an interest in anti bullying laws look them up , these laws were pioneered by Disney company and other entertainment company, in response to sexual and other hate crimes.
I will keep up a good front and get through this, please send me good vibes !
I am looking forward to after the 7th to come and visit or plan to do more activities.
Please buy a trinket, off my page , i have lots cute jewelry, and or let me make you something, I can mail and do long distance orders.
I, set up the sewing machine as that is one of my few real friends.
My medi -cal card is lost in the mail so i cant even get my anxiety meds and I am out of smoke.
ps, I did find a dispensary here , it was nice and I left a card so hopefully someone will call you the bud was nice, and I wish < I had some money ;( ,
, So keep strong ,keep fighting ignorance and don't let anyone stop you in your dreams.
so Happy new year to me ! broke,no weed and , angry, at least there is Ham to stress eat. ! lol.
Be good to each other and message me If you would like to get some jewelry, or chat, have a nice day, be safe !
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