Summer Rain
by on September 20, 2018
So I join the gym this week. This is the literal start of my fitness journey as I absolutely dislike exercise. Sounds funny but I just don’t like it I get bored easily and I haven’t found much motivation to work out ever. I can even recall finding some excuse to get out of my schools mile run every year. I have never liked exercise.

Onto improving my lifestyle, chachavavoom and docblah have inspired a change in our diets, routines and more. They have actually been at the gym for about a month now and are making great progress. They have always enjoyed working out. I joined 4 days ago and it was my 3rd day at the gym yesterday. I always smoke before I workout, and I’ve been loving it so far.

I think I can get used to this, I don’t really have a choice I joined in for a 2 year membership! Go hard or go home!! I feel if I do stay consistent and workout, I will improve my stamina, improve my strength., Tighten my muscles, clear my skin, improve my eating habits and more. I can wait to see where it goes from here !!

I am also always trying to write more blogs! I hope to stay more active here on the site , I love

Summer rain
Day 3 going to gym
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Summer Rain
update" i do twerk tuesday now hahaa
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